The awards of the Ministry of Culture and Sports in the fields of cinema art for 2022

by time news

The awards are given with the aim of expressing the recognition of the Israeli society to the filmmaker and his work and to encourage the work and the creation in the fields of cinema in their various shades, while striving to promote quality and excellence, all with the aim of helping the prosperity and development of Israeli film.

Eligible to receive the award is a creator active in the field of cinema in Israel, who is a citizen of the State of Israel and a permanent resident thereof.

The prizes will be distributed in the following categories:

  1. Lifetime Achievement Award – Intended for a creator from the age of 55 onwards for continuous artistic work of at least 25 years in the field of cinema in Israel. This year, one prize of NIS 40,000 will be awarded.

  1. Leidud Hatzirah award in the fields of cinema – Filmmakers aged 35 and over who have demonstrated continuous professional creative activity of at least 10 years in the fields specified in the regulations are eligible to receive the award – this year up to 3 awards of NIS 40,000 will be awarded to each winner.

  1. A prize for the creators of their beginnings – Eligible to receive the award are filmmakers between the ages of 27 and 35 (inclusive) who have demonstrated recognized and continuous professional activity of no more than 10 years from the date of graduation in the fields listed in this year’s regulations. Up to 2 awards of NIS 25,000 will be awarded to each winner.

To receive the regulations for awards in the fields of cinema (a life enterprise, the encouragement of creativity, creators in their infancy), the general award regulations of the Ministry of Culture and Sports (hereinafter – the “general regulations”) that apply to these procedures, and the nomination forms, you can contact the website of the Culture Administration: www.mcs (publications) or to the producer on behalf of the Ministry of Culture Ms. Ornit Ben-Dror “Events that touch” via email address: [email protected]

The deadline for submitting an application is: Thursday, the 16th of Hashvan 2022, November 10, 2022 at 4:00 p.m.

An application is only considered when completed application forms have actually been received at the production company’s offices. Applications received after the aforementioned deadline, applications that are incomplete or unsigned, or applications that contain material that is not as required, will not be included in the list of candidates to receive the award. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that the nomination forms he/she sent have been received in full at the offices of the production company.

What is stated in this message is for information purposes only. All procedures for the awarding of the prize, including the conditions for submitting the nomination, will be conducted according to the provisions of the relevant prize regulations and the general regulations (hereinafter – the “regulations”) and subject to their provisions. In the event of a conflict between what is stated in this ad and the regulations, what is stated in the regulations will prevail. The ad appeals to both women and men.

The granting of the award is conditional on budgetary availability.

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