Florence, the Teatro del sale reopens its doors with the Maria Cassi show

by time news

The Teatro del Sale reopens its doors which had remained closed for two years, but behind which life continued to beat, to welcome the public again with its double soul: the stage and the kitchen. It will be Maria Cassi who will raise the curtain with great emotion on October 18 with her new show “That’s life”, to tell with her comic verve, which does not lack a lyrical and poetic vein, of life and its facets, of the characters that belong and populate our neighborhoods and surroundings with their follies and their tenderness. She will do it for two weeks, and as always, you will be able to taste Italian and Tuscan dishes prepared with skill by the highly appreciated Cibrèo cuisine, before attending the shows. So it will also be on 21 October when Cassi will take the stage with “Sante donnacce” in a charity evening for Artemisia Centro Antiviolenza.

For the rest it will be a program to be discovered, for five evenings a week, with live performances by artists from all over the world: musical concerts, readings, performances and ballets. The opening will be only in the evening, while the “famous” brunch remains only on Saturdays. During the day the space will be a place for workshops and training, on stage and in the kitchen with the students of the Cibreo Academy. As always, you can access with a membership card costing 15 euros, a fundamental value of the Circo-lo Teatro del Sale formula, which over the years has allowed the development of important projects in the social field. «With love and dedication we collect my father’s legacy, leaving it free to fly with every“ act ”we perform» said Giulio Picchi. “In memory of the one who was strongly behind him, my husband Fabio Picchi – concluded Cassi – I ask everyone to contribute again with us to the growth and development of a common joy: the Art of Life!”.

6 October 2022 | 21:05

© Time.News

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