Growls in the PJ: “Incomprehensible to see the best cops in France fired”, deplores a Marseille police officer

by time news

A star’s arrival under long bursts of applause and a car accompanied to its parking lot at the Bishop’s Palace, the Marseille police station (Bouches-du-Rhône), by a hundred police officers from the judicial police who awaited it by expressing their opposition to the reform project which affects them first and foremost. Appointed from Monday to another position and dismissed from his position as zonal director of the Marseille PJ, Inspector General Éric Arella received noisy support on Friday from his troops who, the day before, had led a silent demonstration during the visit of Frédéric Veaux, the director general of the national police. A protest that cost their boss his head.

The contested reform, wanted by the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, and supported by the Director General of the National Police, Frédéric Veaux, provides for the merger of the extremely specialized PJ investigation services with those of the Direction department of the national police, more generalists, under the authority of the latter and the prefecture.

“With this reform, we endanger the French who will be exposed to organized crime and cartels in less than ten years. If we can no longer carry out investigations, our clients will prosper, ”denounces group leader Thomas, spokesman for the protesters. “This manifestation of anger is spontaneous, it brings together all the ranks of the PJ and is there to tell Mr. Arella that we are all with him. In the police, we must obey our hierarchy, but what to do when this hierarchy endangers the country? »

“Arella, it’s 40 years of career and he is fired like a mess on a phone call”

“Mr. Arella remained very dignified in the parking lot, he is obviously a marked man, he gave his life to the PJ”, he continues. “Mr. Veaux is a technician who makes a mistake, Mr. Darmanin, you are making a mistake, I am ready to talk about it with you, preferably in private. Our movement is not calling for a salary increase or an improvement in working comfort… I want to continue to miss parties, family meals to protect our country”.

“Arella, it’s forty years of career and he is fired like a filth on a phone call”, chokes a brigadier. “They want to impose this reform in force, but there will be a response from us. “It’s a big loss, it’s someone who has a magnificent career in PJ, who knows how to manage all the components. And yet, we don’t listen to it and we put it in the closet, ”laments a major. “It is not the first director who is sacked, it is incomprehensible to see the best cops in France fired. »

On September 30, the public prosecutor of Marseille had already estimated that this reform was “carrying a certain number of dangers”. Éric Arella is to be replaced in his post by Dominique Abbenanti, up to now interior security attaché in Algiers.

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