beyond the veil, the rejection of the foundations of the Islamic Republic

by time news

If the death of Mahsa Amini [le 16 septembre] has aroused so much anger is that Iranians know that the regime’s preoccupation with a lock of hair that sticks out illustrates its desire to compensate for the material misery of the population with a “religious overabundance”.

Insofar as this regime has failed in the management of their interests in this world, it seeks to set itself up as the protector of their interests in the other world. In other words, instead of assuring them of the possibilities of improving their life here below, he makes them dangle salvation in the hereafter.

The contradiction is glaring between the discourse and the practices of the regime. Between the “Islamic Republic” and a murderous morality policy. Between the assertion of watching over Islam as the apple of its eye, and the practice of imposing its religious ideology by force.

The cynical exploitation of religion

For large sections of society, religion therefore appears as a simple means in the hands of the regime to stifle their aspirations for a better life. This arouses a rejection that reflects on everything that has to do with religion. In this sense, the uprising against the obligation of the hijab is in fact the expression of a rejection of the ideological foundations of the regime, with its dogma of velayat-e faqih [gouvernement du docte, qui scelle la primauté du religieux sur le pouvoir politique].


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Source of the article

Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London)

“Arab Jerusalem” is one of the pan-Arab daily newspapers published in London. However, unlike his colleagues Al-Hayat et Asharq Al-Awsat, it is not owned by Saudi capital.

It covers the Palestinian issue extensively. With its sometimes deliberately virulent tone, Al-Quds Al-Arabi probably sticks more to the feeling of what is agreed to call the “Arab street” than many of his colleagues. It was the only pan-Arab daily to defend Saddam Hussein’s regime.

The website offers the full content of the paper version in formats HTML et PDF, supplemented by despatches. There is also access to the archives which allows you to consult almost all the issues published since 1998 and to download the articles in the format PDF.

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