Pet owner flies from London to search for lost dog Has anyone seen August? The owner took a vacation from London to search for the missing pet dog

by time news

Dinesh Mishra’s daughter Megha has prepared a poster with August’s picture and father’s mobile number and is spreading it through WhatsApp groups.

Meerut: Searching for lost pets and offering rewards to those who find them have been in the news recently. Lo and behold, the young woman has returned home from work in London after learning that her pet dog has gone missing in Meerut. The woman came to investigate the dog with her family.

london, pet dog

Meerut-based businessman Dinesh Mishra’s pet dog ‘August’ has been missing since September 24. August is an eight-year-old mix breed. On the 24th, August disappeared from the Meerut Gyamkhana grounds. He also had a yellow colored collar around his neck when he went missing. Dinesh Mishra has put up posters all over the country announcing a reward of Rs 5000 for anyone who can help find August.

Dinesh Mishra’s daughter Megha has prepared a poster with August’s picture and father’s mobile number and is spreading it through WhatsApp groups. It is said that August who came from London should go back after finding him.

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