Cinema: an effervescence named Senegal

by time news

Situated in the Mermoz district, not far from major roads and next to the Auchan supermarket, the multiplex of the French group Pathé! officially opened its doors to the public on the morning of Friday, October 7 with a first session scheduled around 10 a.m. Brand new building, agents on a war footing to welcome and inform the first spectators and curious, the new space is back to school at the same time as Senegalese schoolchildren.

Extending over an area of ​​8,000 m2 whose complex occupies 5,000 m2, the rest constituting a 200-space car park, the 7-screen multiplex, the first in the Senegalese capital, currently offers a selection of 10 films, between American blockbusters, animated films and French productions. In all, 210 sessions are scheduled each week, divided between 7 rooms, one of which hosts a 21 m screen, the largest in West Africa, for a total capacity of 1,394 seats. Started in April 2019, the work (carried out by local companies) was delayed due to the Covid, and was completed two years after the initial date. As for the overall cost of construction, it would be around 8 billion FCFA (12.2 million euros).

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Long cinematic tradition

Already present in Tunisia, this establishment in Senegal, in the boxes of the French group for six years, was made based on several criteria. “First of all, it’s a stable country. Then the country has always had a long cinematographic tradition with big names in cinema. The flourishing era of cinema was in the 80s and 90s with around forty cinemas in Dakar”, explains Moustapha Samb, director of operations of the multiplex, former head of film programming for French institutes in sub-Saharan Africa.

The closure in 2004 of Paris, the last cinema in Dakar, confirms the decline that began in particular with the arrival of television in homes and then digital. Then there remains the programming of sessions in foreign institutes, in particular the French one. Recently, the revival took place with the opening of the Canal Olympia Teranga (Vivendi group) in 2017, followed the following year by that of the Ousmane Sembène cinema complex (3 screens), which revitalized the offer. “The interest of actors in this environment for Senegal is growing. In recent years, events such as the Dakar Courts festival, the Women Films Africa festival or the Teranga Movies have relaunched the machine and the influence of Senegalese actors or directors with prizes won at international ceremonies (Alice Diop, Mati Diop, Moussa Sene Absa among others) also play into this attraction,” adds the operations director.

Two schools in the area, the Yennenga center, under the direction of Alain Gomis, and the Kourtrajmé school, created by Ladj Ly, also opened their doors recently, aware of the talents that abound in the country.

It is therefore logical for Frédéric Godfroid, director of Africa operations for the Pathé! group, that the country of Teranga is “an obvious destination in view of the current offer of cinemas but also in view of the history that the Senegalese have with the cinema “. Beyond Senegal, Pathé complexes! are also under construction in Côte d’Ivoire and Morocco.

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Friendly and modern place

“It’s great, we are at the same level as cinemas in Europe, I can’t wait to come and watch a film in one of the rooms”, enthuses Djamila, invited with some friends to the official inauguration of the complex. , the day before the opening. The modern space is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment (Dolby sound and laser projection) in order to “offer a site of the highest international standards. With this multiplex, the Senegalese will not have to be ashamed of the biggest international complexes”, explains Aurélien Bosc, president of Pathé Cinemas! Gaumont, for whom “it was necessary to provide Dakar with a quality cinematographic tool in view of the current minimal supply of cinemas in the capital”.

Ziggy, a young thirty-year-old, shares his friend Djamila’s option, but recognizes that “it is a certain category of the population that is mainly targeted, the target is the middle and well-to-do class. Because at 5,000 FCFA per place (about 7 euros), not everyone can afford this activity”. Beyond the price, he finds the space to be beautiful and offers an interesting outing option for young people and families.

Because that’s also what the management of Pathé is looking for! : create a place where people can feel at home and make it a place of leisure where one comes with family and friends. “I think this new cinema will create a craze among the public. People have lost the habit but I am confident because the proposals for outings are finally limited to Dakar, this multiplex gives them a new option”, assures Moustapha Samb. Beyond the cinema aspect, Levi finds that the place is pleasant to meet up with friends on the rooftop (which can be privatized). A local juice bar and confectionery area, but also the establishment of restaurants, end up making the place a space for leisure and relaxation so that “this cinema is a place where the Senegalese feel at home. We want to create a place to live,” says Frédéric Godfroid. Pathé’s ambition is clear: to revive cinema in Dakar and become a major player in the local cultural scene.

For Levi, “the price may be a little high for the start”, but he also recognizes that “given the setting, the price is up to par”. Mr. Samb justifies this tariff by the high cost of creating a film and pleads for a fair remuneration of the participants. Special rates and subscription cards will also be available. Pathé! has also set up a mobile application to reserve tickets and even choose seats.

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Varied programming

Regarding the films that will be screened in the 7 rooms, Aurélien Bosc assures “that the programming will be according to what the spectators want to see”. This should be varied between American and European films, but also African productions including Senegalese as well as thematic meetings, animations and the retransmission of certain shows. Levi hopes to star in Nigerian films. “I’m part of this generation that experienced the golden age of cinema in Senegal, so this new offer is a good thing, it’s very qualitative. Now I’m waiting to see the long-term programming because I would like to see African films there. I also wonder about the repercussion on local directors, what they will be able to derive from it as a benefit for their activity”, develops Oumy Ndour, Senegalese journalist and director.

Moustapha Samb is certain, this project “will bring a lot to the local film industry”. According to him, by distributing more widely films from the continent and therefore by expanding their audience, this will allow productions to reap better revenues. An “indirect contribution to local creation” which remains uncertain, however, because it is determined by the interest shown by the public. Nevertheless, the Senegalese Minister of Culture and Communication wants to see in it “a good indicator for the development of the cinematographic industry in Senegal”. The ministry but also the directorate of cinematography as well as the town halls of Dakar and Mermoz supported the project. Beyond the film sector, the multiplex locally employs around 70 people, including around forty direct jobs.

If the golden age of cinema in Senegal is not yet back, the interest is certain. Beyond the giant Pathé! the Sea Plaza shopping center should also soon open 3 new rooms. A chance for moviegoers!

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