October 4, 1970. The day Janis Joplin succumbed to a heroin overdose

by time news

Pdamn rock’n’roll! Sixteen days after Jimi Hendrix, it’s Janis Joplin’s turn to drop the ramp. On October 4, 1970, the psychedelic rocker succumbed to a heroin overdose. Like Jimi, she is 27 years old. Welcome to the club of musicians who died at 27. Saint Pierre gives him the membership card n° 12!

At the time of the drama, Janis was busy recording in Hollywood with her latest band, the Full Tilt Boogie Band. On the day of the 3rd, she recorded the voice of “Me and Bobby McGee”. His dealer gives him $50 worth of heroin. What she does not suspect is that the powder is almost pure, between 50 and 80%. It is enormous. Eight times more than usual. The dealer did not notice it, because the junkie he usually had to test his merchandise had not…

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