the (cultural) revolution of Prato-

by time news

A park of 30 thousand square meters in the center instead of the former hospital, green interventions on public buildings, the project of the first “urban jungle”: the Tuscan city, capital of textiles, is focusing on a new development model. Involving names such as Stefano Boeri or Stefano Mancuso

«The idea of ​​a city that continued to grow steadily as Prato grew in the seventies and eighties was absolutely impossible. At the time, the historical context provided that we did not go too far for the subtle. Now we can no longer afford it ». Matteo Biffonimayor of Prato, thus indicates the starting point of the green revolution that is affecting the city.

A cultural revolution also for the second city of Tuscany, with almost 200 thousand inhabitants – the third in the whole of central Italy – always linked to textiles. And which today no longer wants to be talked about only for the presence of one of the largest Chinese communities in Europe – which has perfectly inserted itself into a production system that has always provided for the close proximity between the house and the loom – but which wants to affirm a growth paradigm made up of trees on the one hand and technologies on the other.

The urban forestation plan
has its roots, it is appropriate to say, in the Municipal Operational Plan of 2018, to which names such as the plant neurobiologist collaborated Stefano Mancuso or what Stefano Boeri Architects Studio. And which has resulted in projects such as Prato urban jungle (which received the European Urban Innovative Actions funds) for the creation of what is defined as “The first urban jungle in the world”to re-naturalize the spaces of four areas in the city.

“The rule for the reforestation of Prato is that of 3 – 30 – 300, that is: at least 3 trees visible from each house, at least 30% of tree cover of the municipal area, a maximum of 300 meters away from the green area from each house “, underlines the mayor. «Boeri and Mancuso in the Operational Plan have written a specific chapter on urban forestation. Professionals we have involved to transform philosophy into reality. The urban jungle is a tough challenge, on which many looked at us with an air of disdain. But these are issues that cities have to deal with ».

One of the projects concerns public building, in via Turkey, in the San Giusto district: 102 dwellings whose residents participate in the design of an intervention – Stefano Boeri Architetti project – which includes, among other things, climbing plants on the facades, social gardens, underground cisterns for the recovery of rainwater (will be finished this year). Another intervention at Macrolotto Zero, an area strongly affected by the Chinese presence: here the covered market is about to become a big one Air factoryproject by Stefano Mancuso’s Pnat team: the design will regulate the environmental microclimate, the thermal insulation of the structure where fruit and vegetables will be bought at zero kilometers.

And, again, in the commercial area of ​​via delle Pleiadi another project by Stefano Mancuso includes, among other things, a high-yield urban greenhouse, with the use of hydroponic cultivation. And the façade of the building of Estra, the energy multiservice company, will also be vegetalized. “There has been work involving the population,” he stresses Benedetta Squittieri, city councilor for economic development. «Forestry cannot be done on paper: our city is built and also densely packed. The challenge is to regenerate spaces, starting from abandoned ones, thinking how green can enter the existing. Let’s try to insert nature in a densely built and industrial city ».

One of the most significant interventions will be in the historic center itself, within the walls of the fourteenth century. And it will cover the 30 thousand square meter area where ithe old hospital Misericordia e Dolce, now demolished (the new Santo Stefano hospital is now outside the center). In that area it will arise a large wooded park. “We have torn down a hospital and make a central park for ourselves. The largest urban park in Italy in an area of ​​great value, where there were those who wanted to build apartments ”, explains Mayor Biffoni. «The hospital was the second largest in Tuscany: its selective demolition was done by recycling 98% of the materials: we did not lose a kilo of iron or concrete. An international competition was held for the park with 200 studios from all over the world. There were the usual appeals, then Covid, then the discovery of asbestos. The construction site should finally start by 2023 ».

There is another front in which the city of 3,500 textile companies moves in search of competitiveness and efficiency and that of technology. With the creation, for example, of the Prisma center for technology transfer. One of the six national Cte – Houses of emerging technologies – funded by the Ministry of Economic Development. “Our city is at the forefront of technology, starting from the 5G experimentation or from the coverage of 100% FTTH optical fiber”, explains the councilor Squittieri. «If you look at the rankings of technological infrastructures, Prato is among the first in Italy. At the same time, if you look at the rankings of innovative startups, we are among the last. The Prisma project – which involves the University of Florence, Cnr and Pin, the University of Prato, and has a partnership with StartupItalia! – aims to bring research closer to the textile manufacturing world. Blockchain (for example for the traceability of textile products), internet of things and artificial intelligence are the fronts on which Prisma works ».

October 5, 2022 (change October 5, 2022 | 21:18)

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