Mental health.. How do you control work stress and prevent it from controlling your life?

by time news

The world celebrates World Mental Health Day, on October 10 of each year, with the aim of protecting and treating the individual from mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and others.

This year’s World Mental Health Day comes under the theme “Make mental health and well-being for all a global priority”, in light of the various challenges facing people every day.

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Work stress and mental health

Work-related stress, in all its details, can impair psychological stability and extend to feelings of tension and anxiety, and complications may reach the emergence of physical symptoms.

Poor mental health due to work stress can cause a range of serious medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes and other heart diseases.

Signs of psychological stress due to work

Low energy or tiredness.

Headache and insomnia.

Changes in appetite.

Digestive problems.

Rapid heart rate.

– Sweating.

Low self-esteem.

Frequent illnesses.

Avoiding the impact of work on mental health

Suffering from work pressure is inevitable, even if we love what we do, but there are steps that can be taken to reduce work stress to a minimum, and ensure that it does not affect psychological and mental health, according to the “healthline” website, most notably:

Write what we feel

Identifying and recording stressful situations helps to understand the cause of the inconvenience, some of which can be hidden sources of stress, such as an uncomfortable work space or long distances commuting.

A diary can be kept for a week to track stressors and our reactions to them, and be sure to include the people, places, and events that gave you a physical, mental or emotional response.

Get time to recharge

Taking a few minutes of personal time during a busy work day can help prevent burnout, such as listening to a fun podcast in between meetings or watching a funny video in breaks.

It’s also important to take breaks from thinking about work by not checking vacation work emails or dropping the phone in the evening.

Refine your time management skill

Sometimes feeling overwhelmed by work is due to the degree of organization. Here, you must prepare a list of priorities at the beginning of the work week by preparing and ordering tasks in order of importance. Procrastination can also be overcome by allocating specific periods of time to the work of deep focus.

Balancing work and personal life

Being around the clock in science will lead to job burnout easily, it is important to set clear boundaries between work and home life, this will help avoid potential stress.

Part of this means making time for socializing and setting rules when checking emails or taking phone calls.

Rely on a strong support network

Maintaining contact with trusted friends and family members is essential to help deal with stressful work situations. Having people you can count on during tough times can relieve some of the stress that builds up.


self care

Making time for self-care is essential when you always feel overwhelmed by work. This means prioritizing sleep, making time for fun, and making sure you eat well and regularly.

Learn relaxation techniques

Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness calm anxiety. Start by taking a few minutes each day to focus on being present and enjoying a simple activity, whether it’s a short walk around the park or enjoying a meal at the desk.

Ask for advice

Working with a therapist can help you better identify the sources of work stress and help find ways to better cope with them. They can also help develop strategies for stress relief and self-care.

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