Pope to Belgian youth: ‘Be creative and representatives of peace’

by time news

Meeting with 300 young people from Belgium at the Vatican on October 10, Pope Francis encouraged them to maintain their faith with creativity in the face of crises and difficulties and said that the Church needs their enthusiasm to build a world that embraces the values ​​of fraternity, peace and reconciliation.

C. Rubini CTC, Vatican News

Pope Francis invited a group of young pilgrims from Belgium to be ambassadors of peace in a fractured world and encouraged them to act positively in the face of crisis. At the same time it was suggested that one should always put his faith in Jesus and allow himself to be enlightened by the experience of the elders.

Church in youth

Addressing a group of 300 young people from Belgian parishes at Clementine Hall on Monday, the Pope praised their commitment and Christian witness in an increasingly religious and conflict-ridden society.

The Pope said the Church needs their enthusiasm and generosity to build a better and more peaceful world. “You are not only the future of the Church, but above all her present. She needs you because the Church is young and needs your generosity, your joy, your will to build another world rich in the values ​​of fraternity, peace and reconciliation. “

Crises make us grow.

Facing crises and hardships, the Pope said, “raises us.” Pope Francis invited young people to develop a strong relationship with Christ, “the faithful friend who never disappoints”. A relationship with Christ, the Pope added, helps us to accept our own weakness “with humility and without fear”. “You don’t have to be superheroes, but you have to be sincere, honest and independent people.”

The Pope also encouraged them to develop closeness to their peers “who live in particularly dangerous situations, young migrants, refugees, young people living on the streets, as well as those who experience loneliness and sadness”.

Dialogue with the Elderly

Referring to their aspirations for a “true and authentic Church”, Pope Francis reiterated that young people should be allowed to be enlightened by the advice and witness of the elderly, who are “our roots” in order to contribute to a “Christian society full of joy”. “It is through growing in dialogue with our elders that our daily struggles can shape a solid identity,” said Papa. The elders also pass on their faith and religious convictions to us,” the Pope explained.

Become artisans of peace

Peace is one of the tests of strength in “these troubling times for mankind.” The Pope clarified that it can be achieved by spreading Christian values ​​in the society. “Become a master craftsman of peace around you and within yourself. Be the representatives of peace so that the world will regain the beauty of love, companionship, brotherhood and solidarity,” the Pope expressed hope.

Never get tired of being an evangelist

The Pope asked the young pilgrims from Belgium not to be afraid of challenges and to “never tire of being bearers of the Gospel” wherever they go. “Concentrate on the essentials” that come from friendship with Jesus Christ without being distracted by the various trivialities of life. Papa asked. In conclusion, entrusting them to the motherly care of the Virgin Mary, the Pope highlighted the importance of praying the Rosary as “a school of prayer and life”.

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