Horoscope: weekly forecast 09.10-15.10.22 – Ramat Gan Givatayim News NEWS

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Kindness, a smile and kindness, are so important in recent times. It is not a show of weakness or inferiority to be such a person. The bigger your heart is, the more you will attract the same energy to you.

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Aries March 21 to April 19

This week, you are at a crossroads, you know that one way or another you will have to make compromises. It may mean that you should actually move away from something you want or from the person you want to be with. Maybe you are in love with someone who is not beneficial to your life and in order to stay in the relationship, you need to adjust or ask them to make some changes. It seems that a close friend may help you reach decisions. Close friends actually hold up a mirror to show you reality as it is. Something that can help you make some fundamental changes.

Taurus April 20 to May 20

This week you must work on getting rid of your aggression, pressures and inner anger. Work can be incredibly stressful, and you may have accumulated more negative emotions than usual over the past few months. Use this madness as a time to release any lingering pent-up emotions as you need to move forward with a more optimistic perspective. Later in the week you will feel full of energy, as if you can run through your to-do list and be ready to take on more. But don’t waste your time on useless tasks this week. Instead, focus that energy on achieving something truly important.

Gemini May 21 to June 21

This week you must have your feet on the ground. It seems that an opportunity awaits you to show exactly what you are made of. In the professional field, you will finally see the fruits of your labor come to fruition. Even in the romantic field, it seems that such an opportunity is expected towards the end of the week. Therefore, don’t avoid this person with the cute smile and the threatening title, to take the wind out of your sails. Start a conversation. It is important that you understand, it is not your clothing, it is not the spoken word, all that matters, as time has proven again and again, is the chemistry.

Cancer June 22 to July 22

As much as you love your family, you don’t always agree with them, but most of the time you give up yourself for them. This could be one of those days where you’re going to ask a family member to compromise so you can do what you want. Usually it’s the other way around and you’re actually the ones who compromise and give up. But it seems that this week it is about something that you really, really want to do. It also seems that this may create a conflict with a family member who does not agree with your step. But don’t give up this time, even if not everyone is on your side, it’s time for you to act for yourself.

Leo July 23 to August 22

This week it seems that you are having several discussions and conversations about different topics. You may be reviewing an important agreement, and frankly, the terms are not entirely to your liking. It is very important to have a clear idea about your goals and at the same time it is important to let the other party understand what you are willing to give in order to achieve what you want. Even on the topic of relationships, you put aside all the games to have a serious discussion about the future. For the singles among you, if you’re looking for love, ask a friend what he thinks you should do differently to meet the love of your life.

Virgo August 23 to September 22

This week you feel better than ever. It seems that the madness around money and debt fades away after a few months. You feel much more ‘smart’ today, when it comes to financial balance sheets. In addition, it seems that there is another way in which you can earn an additional amount of money. This may be through a side business or doing overtime at your job. Without a doubt you are in a blessed growth process, just remember, when you ‘do’ these extra jobs, it is very important to consider the expenses you incur in the process. Because sometimes, even small expenses, every day, in a monthly summary constitute a significant amount.

Libra September 23 to October 22

You are busy this week with situation analyses, with ‘what if’ questions and more. For moments you think that maybe if you had acted differently then you would have been more successful. You might even think that you shouldn’t have acted, and maybe you did… Between us, deep down you know that taking action builds success, which brings confidence. Later this week, it looks like you’re going to run into someone who shares your enthusiasm for the beauty of the world. And there is a chance that this person will become a romantic interest. Take it slow, despite your constant impulsiveness, this time let it happen naturally.

Scorpio October 23 to November 21

Lately, you notice that you spend a little too much time on social media and not enough in real life. There are people to meet out there, new friends and maybe romance. It’s time to stop hiding behind a screen. Scorpios, this week it is recommended to go out and meet new people, put yourself in new situations and experience a little adventure. Maybe some of you think that the best way to be social is to invite people, which will make you finally move the furniture, organize a little and of course get rid of the clutter.

Sagittarius November 22 to December 21

This week, whatever happens, don’t stop talking about your feelings. The problems always arise when someone decides to simply close their heart. And everyone knows that archers are not this type of people. After all, there is nothing you cannot handle. In the middle of the week, talk about what’s in your heart, with a few friends, preferably the kind of friends who like to cut things short and get to the point. (Your philosophical friends are fun, but conversations with them can be unnecessarily long and tedious). It is important that you empty your heart because towards the end of the week there is a good chance that you will meet someone who is both deep in terms of conversation and charming. a winning combination.

Capricorn December 22 to January 19

Capricorns, don’t let your creativity go to waste. In a world where there are so many contenders for the same slot, don’t lose your confidence. Although there are many contenders but only you have the skills and magic to get this thing. Remember, people are going to be pleasantly surprised by you. One of the most attractive qualities about you is your self-confidence, which you sometimes bury out of modesty. Don’t bury it now. Take it in, the people around you are lucky that you are close to them.

Aquarius January 20 to February 18

For some reason, family members manage to change your mood all the time. It is possible that this week some relatives will call you and regardless of what was said, it is precisely the number of calls that will put you under unnecessary pressure. It’s amazing how much power your family has over your moods, but you shouldn’t let them get to you (really). First of all, you don’t even have to answer the phone for all the calls, take a breather between each one. You can check in with the family sometime over the weekend when your heart rate is back to normal.

Pisces February 19 to March 20

Lately, you feel that something in your timing, regarding everything around you, is off. In a relationship for example, it seems that you are unable to do things together, as if the constant synchronization is broken. You also feel it at work. You find it hard to concentrate, you may have to close the office door to finish the last parts of a project. But even then you find yourself staring at a blank screen for long minutes. It seems that you have to concentrate, one way or another, so put on your noise canceling headphones and get to work.

Racheli Dror Degani.  Private photo
Racheli Dror Degani

The writer: Racheli Dror Degani– Tarot card reading and seeing the occult

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