new avenues of measurement are emerging

by time news

The government is lifting an additional corner of the veil on the pension reform. Tuesday, October 11, the Ministry of Labor opened the “first round of consultation” devoted to this file with the social partners. Four organizations were received in turn, within the framework of bilateral meetings: the CFTC, the Union of local businesses, the CFE-CGC and the CFDT. During these exchanges relating to the employment of seniors and the prevention of occupational wear and tear, several ideas were presented in a document that The world was able to consult.

Read also: Pension reform: is it true that two thirds of French people are already unemployed at 60?

The measures envisaged aim to create new rights, the extent of which, at this stage, seems limited, in the eyes of a trade union source. Among the ideas that are circulating, some of them aim to arrange the end of professional careers smoothly. The mechanism of combining employment and retirement is thus targeted, which makes it possible to resume an activity after having obtained payment of a pension: the income derived from the profession exercised would make it possible to generate new rights to old-age insurance, which is not not the case at present.

The executive also wishes to facilitate access to progressive retirement, a system which offers the possibility of working part-time while receiving a fraction of his retirement. With this in mind, information on this tool would be reinforced. In addition, employers who refuse their employee to use this solution would be required to justify themselves.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: the executive unveils the consultation roadmap

Helping unemployed seniors

To help unemployed seniors, various scenarios are being studied, including the one that Olivier Dussopt, the Minister of Labour, mentioned in an interview with JDD of October 9: “salary insurance”, which would provide additional remuneration to people over 55 who agree to take up a less well-paid position than the one they held before. Support for seniors registered with Pôle emploi would also be reviewed and improved.

The power in place also wants to strengthen investment in the training of assets who have passed the milestone of fifty. The fight against age-related discrimination will also be intensified, perhaps through the establishment of an “index” which would measure the proportion of fifty-somethings and sixty-somethings in company workforces. A hypothesis that Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, the president of Medef, criticized in a daily interview The echoes of Tuesday.

The number of points credited to the prevention professional account would no longer be capped

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