46 organisations: ‘Prohibit the use of PFAS in consumer products’

by time news

“The PFAS pollution is widespread, it is in everyone at the moment. RIVM has also indicated that all Dutch people have too much PFAS in their body,” said Den Boer.

“We are very happy with the measures that are in the pipeline. We also hope that they are comprehensive and ambitious. However, we see that PFAS-producing companies are making themselves heard, because they are not happy with a ban if it comes. That is why we, as a social organization, think it is important to emphasize the risks and extent of pollution once again.”

‘Polluter pays’

“We have known for a long time that PFAS are harmful and accumulate in the environment. Regulation against this takes a very long time. I am glad that policymakers are now taking it seriously, but it is important that it is not too long before PFAS are banned Future generations will continue to suffer from these substances, because they are not biodegradable in the environment,” says Den Boer.

“We want the European Commission and Member States to ban PFAS in consumer goods at least by 2025. We want that ban to cover all PFAS that have been unregulated until now. And we want the PFAS pollution that is there now, is cleaned up and the polluter pays.”

‘Harms immune system’

“The European Food Safety Authority has said that there is sufficient evidence that PFAS damage the immune system. This means, for example, that children respond less well to vaccinations. We find this extremely worrying. In addition, there are possible adverse effects on the development of the brain and nervous system. Not only do we say that, but also the global umbrella organization of gynecologists.”

“It also ends up in our drinking water because companies are piloting PFAS. We also ingest PFAS through consumer products that we use,” says Den Boer.

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