Electric plane: the Toulouse company Aura Aéro is already taking orders

by time news

Its electric-powered plane has not yet been built, but it is already attracting many airlines. The Aura Aéro company, created in 2018 and based at Toulouse-Francazal airport (Haute-Garonne), received more than 130 order intentions last week for its 19-seater regional transport aircraft called ERA (Electric Regional Aircraft). ). Nine airlines, including the French companies Flying Green and Twinjet, have signed for this greener aircraft, available in three versions: passenger, cargo and VIP.

“We are proud to announce these new orders for ERA, an aircraft that will, using modern and digital technologies, transport passengers and cargo in complete safety, with extremely low emissions and a unbeatable economy, confides Jérémy Caussade, co-founder and president of Aura Aéro. We are more than ever convinced of the relevance of this aircraft in the implementation of carbon-free aviation. These order intentions are a first step for the development of this program, the first prototype of which will see the light of day in 2025”.

This harvest of orders reinforces the Toulouse company, which has around a hundred employees, in the relevance of the development of electric-powered aircraft. “The market is ready, we now have to enter the industrial phase and fly the device, which is scheduled to enter service in 2027”, explains Jérémy Caussade, who hopes to eventually create an assembly line in Toulouse- Francazal.

The ERA program currently totals more than 330 order intentions.

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