War in Ukraine: for Emmanuel Macron, “Putin must return to the discussion table”

by time news

It is in the field of arms deliveries to Ukraine that Emmanuel Macron was most anticipated for the program “l’Évènement” on France 2 this Wednesday evening. Especially since the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense published an astonishing video in the form of a declaration of love for France and its Caesar guns, which played a central role in the Ukrainian counter-offensives. “We are working on the delivery of six additional guns with Denmark”, immediately specified the Head of State. They will be added to the eighteen already provided.

Above all, to respond to the “profound change in the nature of the war” since the massive Russian bombardments against cities, killing civilians and destroying the infrastructures allowing lighting and heating, Macron announced that France “will deliver radars , anti-aircraft systems and missiles to protect Ukrainians from attacks, especially drone attacks”.

An additional important step has therefore been taken in military assistance, an area on which Paris was criticized for a certain weakness in its aid. “I am obliged to keep certain devices to protect us, and also to protect the eastern flank (of NATO), Romania”, where France will deploy Leclerc tanks.

Criticized also sometimes, including by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, for having maintained the dialogue with Vladimir Putin, Macron assumes. “We have to talk to the protagonists,” he said. I will continue to speak to him whenever necessary. The Head of State urged the master of the Kremlin to end this war and “come back to the discussion table (…) At some point, I hope as soon as possible, all the stakeholders will have to” start to negotiate.

Deterrence, a powerful weapon when it is silent

While acknowledging that it will not be in “the next few weeks”, that the war will undoubtedly last beyond the winter, Putin counting in particular on the arrival of mobilized reservists. In any case, insists the president, it is up to the Ukrainians, whose “goal is clearly to regain their 1991 borders”, including Crimea, that it will be up to the moment and the conditions to negotiate.

Vladimir Putin’s repeated threats have definitely lifted a taboo: the question of the use of nuclear weapons is now on the table. Emmanuel Macron has thus engaged in a rare explanation on this ground. Is there, as US President Joe Biden says, a risk of nuclear apocalypse? The Head of State, who has the power to press the nuclear button, recalled that France, a “power endowed” (with the atomic bomb) has a “deterrent that works”, but that “the less we talk about it and the more credible it is in order to “avoid any escalation”.

Useful clarification, while the Kremlin once pointed out that Paris is two minutes from Russian nuclear missiles. But if Russia sent tactical nuclear bombs to Ukraine, or even countries in the region, would France commit its arsenal? “The nuclear deterrence doctrine is based on the fundamental interests of the nation, which are clearly defined. This is not what would be in question if there were nuclear attacks in Ukraine or in the region”. Clearly, there is no question for France of finding itself drawn into such a conflict if ever Putin does not bluff and carry out his threats.

At the end of the program, while journalist Caroline Roux listed the multiple international and domestic crises, Emmanuel Macron, one of the challenges of which is to ensure that public opinion continues to support the defense of Ukraine despite the consequences on the daily life of the French, replied, appearing resolute: “We are resisting in the face of crises. »

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