Assembly: on sick leave, Adrien Quatennens participated in several votes “by delegation”

by time news

The announcement made his opponents jump. The deputy LFI Adrien Quatennens, in withdrawal since he recognized domestic violence, took sick leave but he participates in public polls of the National Assembly by “delegation of vote”, indicated his political group this Wednesday.

Adrien Quatennens stepped down from the coordination of LFI in mid-September after acknowledging violence against his wife and he has not sat in Parliament since. Through a delegation of his right to vote to a colleague, the deputy from the North has however taken part in a series of public polls in the National Assembly since Monday, to oppose the budgetary texts or the reform unemployment insurance. “He wanted his voice not to be missing from the group, because it is potentially not played out much”, justifies his entourage with the Parisian.

Several parliamentarians from the majority have criticized this situation. “We cannot be there by correspondence, I ask LFI to clarify its position. Is Adrien Quatennens in withdrawal or not? “Launched the MoDem Erwan Balanant in front of the press. “It is morally very borderline to say that we are in the background and that we are there to vote”, he estimated.

“Let him at least take the trouble not to delegate the vote, let him assume the fact of not being there. (…) It is not responsible. What image do we give of politics, vis-à-vis the French? “, abounded his colleague from the majority Prisca Thévenot (Renaissance).

” He has the right “

“It’s normal, he’s on sick leave. He has the right to give his delegation. It came down to one or two votes each time. (…) In this case I am happy to have his voice to fight against the most extreme laws, ”replied the rebellious Raquel Garrido. “He is on sick leave. He has the right to vote”, added the deputy LFI and president of the Finance Committee Éric Coquerel, before the association of parliamentary journalists.

“A personal voting delegation”, drafted in the name of a single named deputy, is indeed authorized in certain cases – illness, temporary mission entrusted by the government… – according to the ordinance of November 7, 1958 on the subject.

The deputy of the North Adrien Quatennens was forced to withdraw from his function as national coordinator of LFI on September 18, after admitting to having slapped his wife, against the background of “difficult divorce”. On October 3, his companion filed a complaint against him in Lille, after two handrails having triggered the opening of a preliminary investigation.

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