Asturias increases the collection of taxes transferred by the State by 24%

by time news

Asturias collected last year 286.69 million euros with the taxes transferred by the State. They are 55.65 million more than the previous year and this despite the fact that, unlike other autonomous communities that introduced tax reductions, the Government of the Principality maintains the taxes unchanged. Taxes on property transfers and inheritance and donations were the ones that registered the greatest increase in collection, 40.4% and 31.2%, respectively.

According to the data that the Ministry of Finance has just published in the draft general budget of the State for 2023, the Principality of Asturias collected 286,693 thousand euros in 2021 from the taxes assigned by the State, which represents an increase of 24.1 % compared to the previous year. The increase in income is very notable, but an exceptional factor must be taken into account and that is that part of this increase was due to the moratoriums on the payment of taxes that occurred in 2020 due to the pandemic and that inflated the collection of 2021. In addition , although the increase in collection in Asturias was very notable, it was lower than that registered in most of the autonomous communities. The increase reached 63% in La Rioja and only Galicia –which in 2021 introduced new reductions in the inheritance and donation tax– registered a lower increase in collection than Asturias with a rate of 13.7%.

Property transfers. It was the tax that registered the greatest increase in collection in Asturias, of 40.4%, and the one that fattened the public coffers the most among the taxes ceded by the State with 119.17 million euros received. This tax is levied on onerous patrimonial transfers and the taxable person is the person whose patrimony increases with the operation. In the sale of a house, it is the buyer who pays the tax and after the pandemic there was a strong rebound in home purchases that have resulted in an increase in tax collection.

Inheritance and donations. It is the second assigned tax that collects the most in Asturias, with 92.84 million in 2021, and the second that has registered a greater increase in income, of 31.2%. Unlike other regions, Asturias has not introduced discounts in this tribute since in 2017 the exempt minimum was raised to 300,000 euros in transmissions between parents and children. For inheritances and donations that far exceed that amount, Asturias is the community with the highest tax and a recent study by the Tax Foundation and the Foundation for the Advancement of Liberty highlights that in certain cases taxpayers pay more in Asturias than in any other another country in Europe.

Patrimony. This ceded tax – which is currently at the center of the tax debate after the reductions announced by the autonomous governments of the PP following in the wake of that of Madrid – raised a total of 24.25 million euros in Asturias in 2021, which represented a increase of 6.1% with respect to the previous year. Asturian taxpayers whose tax bases exceed 700,000 euros are obliged to pay this tax. To calculate this tax base, the value of the taxpayer’s assets is taken into account, expenses (loans or mortgages) and the value of the main residence are deducted up to a maximum of 300,000 euros, so it can be said that, as a general rule , those obliged by the tribute are the Asturians who exceed one million euros of assets.

Documented legal acts. The collection in Asturias of this tax levied on notarial, commercial and administrative documents increased by 2.1% in 2021, to 35.31 million euros.

Tributes about the game. It is the only ceded tribute in which the collection falls. It decreases 16%, to 14.90 million euros. This tribute is paid by the only authorized gaming casino in the region, the five bingo halls that are in operation, the 5,035 authorized recreational machines, the 40 authorizations for games of random combinations, the six for raffles and raffles, and the 61 for betting .

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