Ukraine Caritas organization asking for prayer help

by time news

Summary of Vatican News’ Linda Bordoni interview with Tetiana Stovnichy, president of Caritas Ukraine.

Monsignor Joji Vadakara, Vatican City

While the Russia-Ukraine war is still going on, Tetyana Stovnichy, president of Caritas Ukraine, asked for prayers for the war-weary people and for Caritas, which continues to serve there.

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last February 24, the President of Caritas announced that Caritas Ukraine was the first to provide assistance to the people suffering from the war. They stated that they are still continuing to provide assistance to the people who are still in fear and fear for their lives due to the violence being carried out by Russia in the country for more than seven months.

Intensified Russian airstrikes in various cities of Ukraine are causing more death and destruction, and many people have been displaced, the Caritas president said. Tethiana told Vatican News that as the violence continues, people are being asked to stay in shelters, making it more difficult to deliver humanitarian aid.

Headquartered in Kyiv and Lviv, the Caritas organization has various aid distribution centers in different parts of the country. The president of Caritas said that after every danger alert and attack, they are in a situation where they have to assess the danger situation.

Recalling how they were comforted by the prayers at the beginning of the war, Tetyana appealed for more prayers for an end to the violence.

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