News 24 | Health: 5 symptoms that warn of shingles… and the vaccine is the best prevention method

by time news

The Ministry of Health explained that shingles is caused by a viral infection resulting from the reactivation of a previous infection with the chickenpox virus.

The ministry indicated that the signs and symptoms of the disease usually appear on a small part of one side of the body only, accompanied by severe pain, burning, numbness or tingling, and sensitivity to touch.

She noted that symptoms also include a rash a few days after the pain starts, fluid-filled blisters that break open and crust over, itching, and some people also feel fever, headache, sensitivity to light, and fatigue.

She stressed that the shingles vaccine is the best means of prevention, which is given in two doses, to those over 18 and over 50, pointing out that in the event of immune diseases, a person takes immunosuppressive drugs.

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