despite negotiations, the strike continues at TotalEnergies

by time news

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TotalEnergies finally signed a majority wage agreement on Friday with two of its unions and called for an end to the strike, but the wage tussle in the energy sector continues to spread to other sectors. This Friday, the strike initiated by the CGT, which did not sign the agreement, continues at the five sites of TotalEnergies.

At the end of nightly negotiations between TotalEnergies and the unions, around half past three in the morning, the two reformist unions, the CFDT and the CFE-CGC said they were in favor of the management’s latest proposal. According to them, TotalEnergies would agree to a 7% salary increase and a bonus of 3,000 to 6,000 euros.

In the morning, the unions signed the majority agreement with TotalEnergies. For its part, the CGT very quickly announced that it would renew the strike on all sites. The union at the head of the mobilization had slammed the door of negotiations earlier. One of its representatives denounces a masquerade and warns that this will not change the determination of the strikers.

At Esso-ExxonMobil, the strike was stopped Thursday in Fos-sur-Mer and the FO union indicates that there are no strikers this morning on the site of the Port-Jérôme-Gravenchon refinery, in Seine- Maritime. “ The employees have decided to return to work, but to put an ultimatum to the management for the mandatory annual negotiation of December 6 “said the center FO union representative at Esso-ExxonMobil, Pierre-Antoine Auger. An agreement was reached on Tuesday between the management of Esso-ExxonMobil and two majority unions, including the CFDT, but not with the CGT, which had then decided to maintain the strike call on the two sites.

Call for mobilization in the transport sector

Among the strikers, the anger was exacerbated by personnel requisitions to limit shortages. Fuel has started flowing in from TotalEnergies and ExxonMobile sites in Normandy, northern France. Faced with these requisitions, the CGT filed an interim appeal before the administrative court of Rouen, whose decision was expected Friday morning. Despite the delivery of fuel, the number of service stations in difficulty declined only slightly on Thursday evening. Twenty-nine percent of them were still running out of fuel.

In any case, the movement is starting to spread. The CGT, FO, Solidaires, the FSU and youth organizations are calling together for a day of strikes and demonstrations on Tuesday. Mobilization “ for wage increases and the defense of the right to strike “. The movement should particularly affect the transport sector … from the railway to Parisian public transport, including truck drivers.

► To listen also: Guest of the Morning – Aurélien Taché: “requisitioning is undermining the right to strike”

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