Booster yes or no? A patient letter

by time news

Several general practices are currently sending information about the new booster round to their patients.

As an example for other GP practices, the Doctors Collective makes one of these letters available, with the permission of the original GPs/authors. Download the Word document here. You can supplement this with information specific to your practice.

In addition, we emphasize the importance of ‘informed consent’. ‘Informed consent’ is one of the basic medical ethical principles on which modern medicine is based. It is the communication process between patient and doctor/care provider about permission for care or treatment. Every patient has the right to receive information and to ask questions prior to medical procedures and treatments. If adult patients are able to make their own decisions, medical care may only start with ‘informed consent’: permission based on clear information about that care.

New booster?

Additional information vfor GP practices (October 2022)

Dear Sir / Madam,

This letter is addressed to all people aged 12 and older who are registered in general practices and are considering getting the new booster (repeat shot) against corona. With this letter we offer additional information, which we hope can help you to make a good assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of boosters.

The source references can be accessed via the links.

☑️ The vaccines have protected the vulnerable so far

The first Corona vaccinations of 2021 have protected vulnerable and elderly people: they contributed to fewer hospital admissions and deaths from Corona.1

However, the effectiveness of this protection appeared to decrease faster than expected: after approximately 6-8 months, we saw vaccinated people becoming seriously ill from a corona infection. The protection of the boosters already decreased after about three months.2

Like the previous one, the new booster3 is an mRNA vaccine. This time it also contains components against 1 of the Omikron variants.

It is expected that the new booster will provide protection for a certain period of time, how long has not yet been investigated.

In the case of very frail elderly people with a shorter life expectancy, restraint is an option because of the sometimes more serious course of the short-term side effects.4 (GP webinar 7 Sept.’22)

☑️ Vaccinated people could still infect others

The corona vaccines were also unable to sufficiently prevent virus transmission during the effective months; if you are vaccinated, you can still infect your loved ones with it.5

☑️ Corona has become much milder

The coronaviruses of 2022 (the omikron variants and the centaurus variant that are on the rise) have proven to be considerably less pathogenic than the older variants of 2021 (alpha and delta variant).6 Omikron appeared to be comparable in severity to flu.7

Despite the fact that there were an extremely high number of infections with omikron in the first half of 2022, this has hardly led to more hospital admissions and deaths.8 8b

Denmark has become the first EU country to decide to no longer offer the new booster to healthy people under the age of 50, because they have very little chance of becoming seriously ill.9

☑️ Naturally experienced infection protects longer

Research has shown that a naturally experienced corona infection offers considerably longer protection than a booster vaccination.9 10 11 This information is not on government sites.

Very many people experienced an omicron infection in the first half of 2022. It is expected that these people will be sufficiently protected for at least a year in order not to become ill or not seriously ill from a new variant.

☑️ Reports of side effects more numerous and serious

More vaccine side effects were reported than expected based on the manufacturer’s initial investigation. There was also a huge under-reporting of side effects. According to a large-scale German study12 13 there were about 40 times more suspected side effects than were reported to the RKI (the German Lareb). According to this study, approximately 8 out of 1000 vaccinees suffer from serious/long-term (suspected) side effects. Idem German health insurer.14 Worldwide this concerns: blood clotting problems, palpitations, inflammation of the heart muscle/pericardium (myocarditis, relatively more in young men aged 12 to 30 years), myocardial infarction, stroke, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, less exercise tolerance, cognitive complaints, more cases of cancer or its revival, autoimmune diseases, temporary weakening of general immunity, which means that other infections such as flu or shingles, neurodegenerative diseases, menstrual disorders, etc.15 16 17 18 Some of these side effects are related to the vaccination and are included in the product information by the manufacturer (such as blood clotting disorders and myocarditis)19. Some of this has not yet been investigated and more research is needed.

☑️ The role of excess mortality

In most vaccinated countries, there appears to be a misunderstood excess of mortality, i.e. more people die than normal (not from Covid).20, 21 There appears to be a correlation with vaccination periods, but the extent to which this is actually the case has not yet been sufficiently investigated.22 It (rarely) also affects young people23 and tissue research after death is possible24 and provides insight.

☑️ Medicines against corona.

A healthy lifestyle also contributes to less illness: sufficient exercise25, healthy and not overeating, coping well with stress and continuing to do meaningful things every day. There are more and more both regular and natural medicines available that can reduce the disease burden of corona. For example, vitamins D and C, as well as zinc and quercetin have been shown to have a protective effect, all self-care products.27

☑️ In summary for your consideration:

  • The new booster can have a protective effect for elderly and frail people. In the case of very frail elderly people with a shorter life expectancy, restraint may be desirable.
  • However, there is significantly less risk of becoming seriously ill from the current corona variants.
  • A healthy lifestyle and early treatment with simple medicines can contribute to less illness.
  • Many people have already built up extra and longer-lasting immunity this year through natural infection.
  • The mRNA vaccinations have so far been shown to provide relatively short-term protection
  • There are indications that the corona vaccinations can sometimes cause serious side effects
  • More research is needed with data transparency to assess the effectiveness and safety of the new mRNA vaccines in the longer term.

If you have any questions about your personal assessment, please contact your own GP.

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