Can’t excrete or fart! Dangerous signs of colon cancer : PPTVHD36

by time news

Although we understand that cancer is a terrible disease. But this type of cancer has a better chance of being cured compared to other cancers. especially when detected early Screening for cancer and knowing the risk factors of this disease is therefore an important help in reducing the risk of getting sick from this disease. and increase the chance of treatment in case of detection Today we would like to take everyone to know the causes, symptoms, prevention of colon cancer. is a preventable disaster

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“SUPERFOOD” prevents cancer. Eat well, eat well, eat every day

colon cancer Diseases that men aged 50+ are more at risk than anyone

colon cancer or medically referred to as full colon and rectal cancer It’s a cancer that I don’t know if it’s popular or not, but it’s in the Top 5 of the most common cancers in Thai people. If specifying male and female separate Bowel cancer is the second most common cancer after breast cancer in women. and is the third after hepato-cholangiocarcinoma. and lung cancer in men

Can't excrete or fart!  malignant signs of colon cancer

The full name of this disease is Colon and rectal cancer because all parts are related After eating food, the stomach and small intestine will digest and absorb all the nutrients that the body needs. the remainder to be disposed of will return to form stool in the colon recuperation in the rectum before being excreted Cancer is caused by abnormal cells that mutate and form polyps in the future.

risk factors forcolon cancernamely

1. Heredity

It was found that direct relatives such as parents, siblings, had colon cancer. The younger you are, the more likely you are to be a family member.

2. Some foods

Found that people who eat processed meat, red meat, such as meat that has been grilled. processed into sausages or fermented pork that Thai people like to eat And if eating less fruits and vegetables can increase the risk of colon cancer. Therefore, colon cancer can be prevented or reduced by eating more fruits and vegetables and reducing processed foods.

How to spot symptoms ofcolon cancer

1. Excretion

Observe abnormal excretion. that has changed from what we used to be, such as chronic constipation chronic diarrhea Small atrophy/granular stools Bloody stools, blood in them, or the inability to defecate or fart

2. Other symptoms

Abdominal pain, chronic weight loss cause unknown pale blood due to bleeding from the large intestine where we may or may not see it Or sometimes intestinal obstruction in people who are heavy and will have abdominal pain, can’t pass, can’t fart, will feel very full.

If symptoms occur, it is advisable to see your doctor for advice on treatment. Detection methodcolon cancer through laparoscopy If you can’t find it It can take another 5-10 years to monitor the symptoms if there are no other abnormal symptoms. But if the group is exposed and found a polyp, the doctor will make an appointment with the patient in 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years. Depending on the nature of the polyp that is removed If cancer has to go into the treatment process.

healing processWhat is colon cancer with MIS?

Can't excrete or fart!  malignant signs of colon cancer

The treatment for colon cancer is surgery. If surgery is possible, all surgery should be performed. Unless it is invasive or inoperable. Other treatments will be added, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted drug therapy. The principle of treatment is to want the disease to be cured. or if the invasive phase does not disappear, then the size of the polyp is smaller and lasts as long as possible

Can't excrete or fart!  malignant signs of colon cancer

The treatment for MIS (Minimally Invasive Surgery) is a surgery. It is a surgery that has a very small incision. and cut off the cancerous part of the colon But nowadays technology has advanced. will be laparoscopic surgery By punching 2-3 holes 1-2 centimeters through the abdomen, using a camera and medical instruments for intra-intestinal surgery without having to open a large abdominal incision.

women should notice Symptoms, indications and warning signs of “cancer”

Check before you get sick, not get sick before checking! Thoughts from the hit viral hit “Cancer” should be checked at what age?

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