A shocking study… Fiber can cause problems for IBD patients

by time news

A surprising new study reveals that fiber can cause problems for IBD patients, and scientists from the University of Alberta report that certain types of dietary fiber cause an inflammatory response in some IBD patients, exacerbating existing symptoms.

The good news, the researchers explain, is that these discoveries open the door to personalized dietary guidelines that can keep IBD patients feeling well. The research team is already working on stool testing to assess the microbes in patients’ guts, and this will facilitate predictions about negative fiber responses. Provide personalized nutritional recommendations and treatments to individual patients.

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Approximately 0.7% of Canada’s population (one in 150 people) has IBD, which includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and estimates predict that the number will rise to one percent by 2030. Alarmingly, the fastest growing group is children.

Symptoms of IBD usually include abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stools, and weight loss, but delayed puberty and a long-term risk of colorectal cancer are also related to IBD.

While the exact cause of IBD is still unknown, scientists believe risk factors include genetics, diet, environmental factors, and changes among the gut microbiome.

“We really wanted to understand the mechanisms behind this,” Heather Armstrong, now assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Manitoba and Canada Research Chair in Integrative Biosciences, says in a university statement.

Unlike most foods consumed by humans, fiber is not digested in the small intestine. Instead, bacteria and microorganisms (microbes) within the large intestine or colon produce enzymes that ferment fiber. In chemical terms, fiber is a short chain of sugars such as pectin, found in citrus fruits, or a very long and branched structure that is difficult to ferment.

The research team discovered that fiber in foods including artichokes, garlic and bananas is difficult to ferment.

Professor Wayne comments: “We’re learning that not all fibers are created equal, and we’ve shown that some fibers have the potential to cause harm, so we have to be more selective when we expose our patients to them.”

For most people, eating more fiber is a great food choice; It has a beneficial anti-inflammatory effect and helps digestion. However, this research indicates that a certain number of unfermented fiber increases inflammation and worsens symptoms in some IBD patients.

Professor Armstrong explains: “We want to start to uncover why 20-40% of patients have allergies, while in the other part of patients, this dietary fiber can actually benefit health, protect against disease and have very positive effects.”

The researchers conducted this study using biopsies from more than 100 pediatric patients at the University of Alberta Hospital.

The study authors explain that any new dietary guidelines developed from these findings will not replace drug treatments. Despite this, these dietary recommendations should complement traditional IBD treatments, best helping patients avoid flares and return to remission as quickly as possible after exposure to inflammation.

Professor Armstrong concludes, “I personally have IBD, so I often come up with research questions that I want to answer in person, and if we can find a way to reduce diet-related inflammation, we may be able to reduce some of the disease burden and even save some people.” progression to a more serious disease.

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