The husband wants to find someone else after his death; Wife can’t even imagine

by time news

‘AIt’s not what you’ve heard or heard, love is what you’ve shown with your life’- these are the words husband Rob Burrow would want to write if his English wife Lindsey Burrough extended an autograph to him. As Rob navigates the tightrope of life and death, Lindsay holds on tight.

Rob Burrow was a legendary player of Leeds Rhinos, a professional rugby league team in England. Leeds Rhinos won eight Super League Grand Finals under the leadership of Robin.

But in 2019, Rob’s life changed. Robin retired from rugby after being diagnosed with motor neurone disease, which affects the nervous system. Slowly, life was limited to a wheelchair. Nothing can be done now without help. The 40-year-old communicates using a keyboard controlled by his eyes.

But none of this deterred his wife, Lindsay. Even when life was miserable, they never lost confidence and gave Rob strength. Taking care of her husband and three children, Lindsay also works as a physiotherapist.

Robin wants his wife, the superwoman in his life, not to be alone after his death. Lindsay shared in an interview with British media outlet The Mirror that Rob always told her to find someone else after his death. ‘Robin’s request hurts me. I can’t even imagine anyone else in his place.’ Lindsay says.

Three years ago, the doctors said that Rob would only have two years to live. But Rob says he will be alive for a long time to see his two children grow up. This confidence is what drives him forward. His efforts to raise awareness of motor neurone disease have also earned Rob the ‘Most Excellent Order of the British Empire 2021’.

Both got married in 2006. Lindsay was a friend of Rob’s sister. Both used to go to dance class together. Rob met Lindsay through his sister and the relationship blossomed into romance.

Content Highlights: rob burrow asks wife lindsey burrow to find someone else after he dies here is how she reacts

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