TikTok has blocked the account of the terrorist group “Lions Den”

by time news

Tensions in Judea and Samaria: An IDF soldier was slightly injured today (Saturday) by a stone thrown by Palestinians in the village of Karavat Bani Hassan near Ariel. Dozens of Palestinians burned tires and threw stones at the IDF forces, who responded with measures to disperse the protests and live fire at one of the leaders of the riot. The Palestinian news agency “Wafa” reported on five wounded Palestinians, including two in a serious condition.

Earlier, a document was published of the doctor-terrorist who was killed in Jenin shooting at IDF soldiers. He was killed in an exchange of fire in Jenin that opened after the IDF, the Mageb and Shin Bet activities in the city to arrest a Hamas operative suspected of having carried out shooting attacks on forces the security. At the same time, the Tiktok page of the terrorist organization operating in Nablus, “Lion’s Den”, was blocked. The organization documented and disseminated attacks it carried out, attracting more young people to join the terrorist acts.

This morning IDF and Shin Bet forces captured the second terrorist who participated in shooting at Beit El last night. He was arrested by Yams Ayush fighters and fighters of the 890th Battalion in the Palestinian village of Deir Jarir in the Ramallah area. Weapons, uniforms and propaganda materials were found in the home of the 19-year-old terrorist. A preliminary investigation shows that after the attack, the terrorist fled to the village with the help of a getaway vehicle in which he was assisted.

In the incident, a 25-year-old man was slightly injured after the terrorists opened fire at the sukkah where he was sitting. After an examination, three bullets were found in the arena. Snipers from the 890th Battalion of the paratroopers who were in the ambush, shot at the terrorists from a range of about 300 meters – and killed one of them, a 23-year-old young man, also from the village of Deir Jarir. In a media outlet affiliated with Hamas, the slain terrorist was called “the man of the military arm” and pictures of him with a Hamas flag and headband were shown.

The father of the terrorist who was killed said about his son: “He died as a hero, when he aimed his weapon at the occupation, and fought against it. Praise God, he did not die when he ran away, but when he confronted.”

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