selenium foods, Selenium : Why selenium nutrients are important for the body… which foods are high in them… – why should we add selenium rich foods in our daily meal

by time news
Selenium is a mineral that our body needs in small amounts to function. Our body needs an average of 70 mcg per day. This selenium requirement can be obtained through proper food choices and supplements. It is best to get them through food whenever possible. Here is the list of those foods…

Seafood rich in selenium

Seafood is rich in various nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids. Seafood is especially rich in selenium.

Salmon. Eat more fish like tuna and sardines daily.

Liver rich in selenium

Goat organ meats like liver, intestine, kidney and brain have more selenium than other meats.

For non-vegetarians, include organ meats at least once a week.

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium

Nuts are rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals and proteins. So nutritionists advise to include nuts in daily diet.

Brazil nut is one of the most selenium-rich nuts. Selenium is generally found in non-vegetarian foods such as liver and seafood. Even more, Brazil nuts are high in selenium.

Chicken is rich in selenium

Chicken, which is called lean meat, is high in selenium. Adding a small amount of chicken to your daily diet will provide you with a healthy dose of protein and selenium.

Chicken is an all time food. So it is better to take skinless chicken (especially the breast part of the chicken).

Eggs are rich in selenium

Eggs are high in selenium, as are proteins. A minimum of 3 eggs per day can be taken.

Children tend to eat large amounts of vegetables. They can be given an egg daily to supplement their selenium requirement.

Cauliflower is rich in selenium

Flowering vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli are rich in selenium.

Vegetables like spinach, green peas, beans and sweet potatoes are especially rich in selenium.

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