Romulus, the fratricidal clash and the war between Romans and Sabines-

by time news
from Valerio Cappelli

The second series arrives (purchased from 40 countries): from the genesis on the myth of the capital, to the rivalry between the two brothers. The new entry Valentina Bell, as a guide of the priestesses. There is greater spectacularity, says director and creator Matteo Rovere

Two kings on the same throne do not fit. As we approach the final confrontation between the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, in a more spectacular setting, there are men who believe themselves to be gods, and therefore are gods who lose blood.

Rites and myths, omens and vengeful furies, alliances and submissions. Archetypes and primordial, recognizable, eternal feelings: hatred, love, envy, ambition, anger; and again, a modern epic that in the mythical tale mixes magical realism, political intrigue and pure action. But above all a work of entertainment.

Romulus II. The war for Rome arrives from 21 in eight episodes on Sky (which produces it with Groenlandia and Riccardo Tozzi of Cattleya). the second chapter of the series created and directed by Matteo Rovere: There is a strong emotional tension, while preserving the archaic nature.

Leave some episodes in the hands of three other directors, Michele Alhaique, Enrico Maria Martale and Francesca Mazzoleni. The new entry, alongside Andrea Arcangeli (Yemos), Francesco Di Napoli (Wiros) and Marianna Fontana (Ilia), are Valentina Bell in the role of Ersilia at the head of the Sabine priestesses who is kidnapped and taken to Rome, and Emanuele Maria Di Stefano who plays the Rome’s most powerful enemy, Titus Tazio, the eccentric king of the Sabines, with his mood swings and perverse desires, such as ordering a vanquished to cut his tongue because he no longer wants to hear his voice. Titus Tazio, who later will be one of the kings of Rome, and deified, a villain bloody, erotic, persuasive, feminine. a devalued who considers himself the son of a god.

The antagonist is no longer the lineage but the stranger who in mythology represented by the rape of the Sabine women. We are no longer in a forest but in a newly founded city that experiences a brief harmony and, as Plutarch writes, experiences a first expansion in the sign of inclusion, welcoming thieves, murderers, stateless people. And we are in a clash of civilizations between two different peoples.

They say that the battle between Romans and Sabines lasted ten days of filming, with 400 stunt men; that the central location is a former travertine quarry near Guidonia; that the predominant colors desired by the costume designer Valentina Taviani are the yellow of the conquered population of Velia and the red of the tunics of the soldiers who arrived from Alba. Fallacious concord, like a stone that falls into the calm waters of a lake, is broken in fratricide; another Cain who after killing Abel wants to command men and therefore challenges the gods.

We took some liberties – explains co-writer Filippo Gravino – postponing the moment in which one of the two brothers kills the other. They told of the internal crisis of their own order from which one comes out through blood, and this always happens in the face of a war that shows the signs of an imminent crisis, it also happens with Putin and Ukraine. Here we tell how a political leader, a king, is born. But who will be the king of Rome, why is he called Romulus and there is no character who is called that?

One of the protagonists will become one day, and this season concludes a path (waiting for the probable third season). Writing, alongside acting and staging, is at the center of the journey: the protolatino, a risky and winning choice. It was a crazy idea – says Tozzi -, but the forty countries that bought the series have dubbed and subtitled it and, as in Italy, a global phenomenon was created that was unthinkable until five years ago, for which the public with subtitles chooses the original language, which enhances the acting and transmits a more immediate perception.

October 14, 2022 (change October 15, 2022 | 10:18)

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