Hebrew News – Take a breath: 10 signs that you are stressed

by time news

Does your head hurt often? Suffering from acne in old age? Do you grind your teeth at night? These are just some of the symptoms that can indicate that you are stressed. The first step is to locate the symptoms and know how to treat them. Here are ten of them that should turn on a red light for you

If you are in a continuous state of stress due to work or personal life, the symptoms can be not very noticeable, and in fact it can go on for years, causing significant medical damage to our body without knowing it. As we know, stress is a risk factor for various mental and medical problems, it is prevalent in Western society and comes from many directions: work, studies or family.

The good news is that there are simple measures that can help us cope better with stress. For example, meditation is a very effective tool for reducing stress, sports, reading, listening to music, walking in nature and much more. If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, take a break, turn off your phone, and go for a walk.

Weekend headaches

When you are always under stress you don’t always pay attention to what is happening in your body, therefore, sometimes, a break from stress can cause headaches. Many times the stress manifests itself in pain – mainly headaches and stomachaches. To reduce the damage, make sure you get regular sleep and a proper diet.

Severe menstrual cramps

A Harvard University study found that women who are more stressed are twice as likely to experience period pains as severe. The researchers linked the findings to a hormonal imbalance that occurs when we are under stress. Exercise can significantly reduce the intensity of pain, by reducing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system.

Pain in the mouth

A sore jaw can be a sign of teeth grinding, which can happen during sleep when we are under stress. If teeth grinding is a problem you are dealing with, you can get a brace from your dentist that will prevent you from grinding your teeth in your sleep.

strange dreams

When we are stressed we wake up more often, which causes negative images to repeat themselves throughout our sleep. Better sleep habits can prevent this. Try to sleep between 7 and 8 hours a night, and avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine before bed.

Bleeding gums

People who are under stress tend to suffer more from bleeding gums. When the cortisol hormone is at high levels in the blood, our immune system can be compromised, thus allowing more bacteria to penetrate our gums. But besides brushing your teeth more, there are also other solutions such as sleeping more and exercising more. These can help lower your stress levels.


Stress increases our tendency to inflammation and infections, which can cause acne breakouts even in old age. Soothe your skin with creams that will protect you from dryness as well as bacteria. If this is not enough, you should contact your dermatologist for a customized treatment that will solve your problem.

Itchy skin

Itchy skin can be caused by stress, as can outbreaks of skin diseases such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. Our body’s response to stress affects our nervous system, which can cause itchy skin sensations.

The worsening of allergies

Stress hormones cause the production of a protein in the blood that causes allergic reactions in the body. In a study done in Ohio, it was found that allergic participants exhibited more allergy symptoms after taking a test aimed at provoking anxiety, compared to after taking a test that did not provoke anxiety.

Abdominal pain

Anxiety and stress can also cause stomach aches. A study that examined about 1,500 participants found that participants who were stressed at higher levels tended to suffer more stomach pains. The theory is that when the body enters a state of stress, it shuts down systems that are less essential to our survival in order to conserve our energy. The digestive system is usually the first thing that shuts down in the body, causing abdominal pain, diarrhea and even vomiting.

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