More attention to people with aphasia (the disorder that affected Bruce Willis) –

by time news
from Maria Giovanna Faiella

Monuments illuminated in red and a spot among the initiatives of the National Day to raise awareness on causes, symptoms but also on the daily difficulties of those who suffer from it

as if the language is “Trapped” in the mindrefusing to take shape in words. You can’t speak, read or write, understand or make yourself understood. And it becomes difficult to communicate with others, even with loved ones; with repercussions on social life, personal autonomy, the working and social sphere. what happens to people suffering from aphasia, speech disorder that also afflicts actor Bruce Willis forced to retire from the stage. To make known the daily experience, which often unites people with aphasia and to disseminate correct information on this condition mainly due to a cerebral stroke are the objectives of the Associations of aphasic people and their family members who promote the National Aphasia Day October 15.

Causes, symptoms, therapies

Aphasia is an alteration of the language that follows after a wound in particular areas of the cerebral cortex of the dominant hemisphere (usually the left one), due predominantly a stroke, or even a head injury or a brain tumor or neurodegenerative diseases. Sufferers may partially or completely lose the ability to express themselves and communicate, to understand written or verbal words, to read or write. Therapy is mainly based on speech therapy. Its success depends on the severity and size of the brain damage. It should be emphasized that the injury does not alter the person’s intelligence affected by aphasia or his ability to feel emotions, like all. It prevents, however, the normal use of language to communicate every day: one disability that affects relationships with others, often creating discomfort and isolation.

Life goes on

Aphasia leaves you speechless but life goes on the message of the spot created by the Carlo Molo Foundation on the occasion of the national day, promoted together with the Associations belonging to the A.IT.A. (Italian Aphasic Associations) and ALICe. (Association for the Fight against Cerebral Stroke). The spot of the Molo Foundation, which since 2005 has been promoting activities aimed at the functional and above all social and inclusive recovery of people with aphasia, inspired by the
silent cinema; in addition to being available on youtube (you can see it here), it is projected on the monitors of the Turin metro and of the surface lines – thanks to the collaboration with the Turin Transport Group – and broadcast in various cinemas in the Piedmontese capital, in the region and in some Lombard provinces .

Other stimuli

Spotlight on aphasia also with the initiative We light up the city: on October 15 the symbolic monuments of some Italian cities are tinged with red (the color of aphasia) with the inscription Aphasia leaves you speechless. Another possible communication to relate to others and not be excluded from society, for example practice of other languages ​​such as music and dancethat they can favor the well-being of aphasic people and also their extralinguistic ability to express themselves. With this in mind, two appointments are organized by the Molo Foundation in Turin on October 15: the first, scheduled for 3 pm, a meeting entitled Music, dance and braincreated in collaboration with the Royal Museums, in which we will talk about rehabilitation through art and in particular dance and musicactivities organized by the AITA Association for some years, with one gaze also turned to neuroscience. The second appointment at 16 with the performance of the choir La voce dell’Afasia. Free admission.

October 14, 2022 (change October 14, 2022 | 17:25)

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