China’s President: “We have never given up our right to use force”

by time news

Chinese President Xi Jinping opened the Communist Party conference in Beijing with a strong speech and provided some statements that may be cause for concern for the West. In his speech, Xi made it clear that China reserves the option to “take all necessary measures” against “interference by external forces” in the Taiwan issue.

The Chinese Party Congress meets once every five years and this is the 20th time it has happened. This time, she is expected in a rare way to confirm Xi’s appointment to a historic third term in office. Xi declared that China’s global power had grown stronger and warned of impending storms. “China’s international influence and power to shape the world have increased significantly,” adding that China must be prepared for “strong winds and high waves, and even dangerous storms.”

“In the face of the drastic changes in the international landscape, we maintained firm strategic determination and demonstrated a fighting spirit,” said the 69-year-old Xi, in a speech that lasted nearly two hours. “Throughout all these efforts, we have preserved the dignity and core interests of China and kept ourselves in a good position for further development and ensuring security.”

The conference takes place at a somewhat problematic time for China. Economic growth in the country is at a four-decade low, and according to the World Bank, it is expected to grow this year at a slower rate than the other developing economies in Asia – for the first time since 1990. Only about two weeks ago, the World Bank cut the forecast for the current year from 5% to 2.8%. The main reason for this, according to estimates, is the “zero infection” policy against the corona virus, which includes extensive closures.

In addition to this, tensions with the West and with the US in particular around the Taiwan issue increased after the visit of the Speaker of the American House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, last August. In this context, Xi said that “we will continue to strive for peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and maximum effort,” Xi said, according to an official translation, but added that “we will never promise to give up the use of force. We reserve the option to take all necessary measures.”

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