In the new direction of LFI, a place for Jean-Luc Mélenchon

by time news

Jean-Luc Mélenchon will have a place, that’s for sure. ” Of course “believes MP Clémentine Autain, before adding: “It’s up to him to decide. ” ” Obviously “, adds another deputy from La France insoumise (LFI). The Mélenchonist party, in full reflection on a new internal architecture, should, in any case, continue to reserve a role of choice for its former presidential candidate. The latter assures since the start of the school year that he wants to get down to intellectual work, rewrite his book The era of the people (Fayard, 2014) first, to organize, then, the reflection within the La Boétie Institute. But he shouldn’t abandon ship. It is moreover as the leader of this think tank that he could be represented within the new “space coordination” de LFI.

“He will be in the coordination of the movement under the La Boétie Institute”, confirms his friend and adviser Bernard Pignerol, who is in charge of transforming this institute into a political foundation and plans to leave him the presidency. Even if others refute the need for a function in an organization chart for a former candidate whose notoriety goes without qualifiers. Bastien Lachaud, for example: “Jean-Luc Mélenchon is Jean-Luc Mélenchon, he doesn’t need a label, a title, he can do what he wants. »

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The current management, put on hold or in any case supplanted by other tasks during the presidential campaign, is working on a new architecture, a casting too. All of the “rebellious” agree to reform the rules governing grassroots activists and finally allow “action groups” local to self-finance. Anxious to adapt to its new format, to overcome a form of growth crisis, LFI refuses to become a party.

Permanent campaign

This new collegial coordination, the outgoing managers therefore want it to be “action oriented”to avoid the pitfall of old-fashioned political parties. “In our movement more than elsewhere it is those who do who decide, those who campaign, who keep the movement alive. People who take on tasks”explains Bastien Lachaud.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Between François Ruffin and LFI, time for reckoning

The action, the permanent campaign, an effective method but which also made it possible to evacuate the discussion and the debates within LFI. “Having an operational leadership is a bias that breaks with the classic forms of parties”defends Clémentine Autain, who considers it completely justified, “on the condition that it is not a pretext to avoid the pluralism of sensitivities and substantive discussion”. The question of the people present in this direction will come up later, after the architecture. For all the deputies who would like to be part of it, from François Ruffin to Clémentine Autain via Alexis Corbière, the easiest access route seems to be acclaimed by the parliamentary group to carry the floor of the deputies within the movement. . What give rise to internal campaigns in the National Assembly.

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