Art united to fight dengue fever

by time news
คอลัมน์ : CSR Talk

It is said that “dengue fever” is caused by dengue virus infection. which is a vector May be divided into house mosquitoes and garden mosquitoes. Both types of mosquitoes are found in tropical areas around the world. And often bite people during the day, so the best prevention of dengue fever is to protect yourself from Aedes mosquitoes.

Earth (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Recognizing the importance of mosquito prevention which is a carrier of dengue hemorrhagic fever For this year, organize activities to do good deeds to Thai society. “Art joins the heart to drive away bad mosquitoes and fight dengue fever” with determination, led by “Kentaro Sato” The president of Earth (Thailand) Co., Ltd. went to Mae Hong Son Province together with the Mae Hong Son Municipality Office, which is one of the five provinces with the most dengue cases. because it is a humid tropical area Therefore, it is easy to propagate mosquitoes.

At the same time, it also delivers mosquito repellent products “Art Plus” mosquito coils and “Oasis” mosquito repellent lotion. Natural formulas for 5 important places in Mae Hong Son Province, namely, School of Education, Sai Yud Market, Srisangwan Hospital, Karen Long Neck Village. Ban Huai Pu Kaeng and Ban Pang Moo

also received the honor from “Dr. Pimphan Phisutsan” Medical doctor specializing in travel and tourism medicine Mahidol University To provide knowledge about dengue hemorrhagic fever to make people in the community aware and ready to protect yourself from mosquitoes

“Kentaro Sato” Said that Art is proud to take part in good activities to return to Thai society. We have great intentions in organizing this event. and will continue to organize annually As a manufacturer and distributor that develops products It is also ready to be a part of helping to take care of the better quality of life for Thai people.

“Ars delivered mosquito repellent products. which are available in many types both outside and inside the house Taking into account safety, such as Art Plus, mosquito coils, which can be lit for 7 hours continuously, can prevent both Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. which is the formula of Art with the highest active ingredient Metofluthrin (Metofluthrin).”

There is also Oasis, scented gel products. That was invented to get rid of mosquitoes while creating a fragrant atmosphere for the room. and relax using nature therefore ensuring safety including oasis natural mosquito repellent lotion for use on the skin Protects against mosquitoes during outdoor activities for up to 7 hours.

“Dr. Pimphan” added that Measures to prevent and control dengue hemorrhagic fever will focus on the control of Aedes mosquitoes with methods that are consistent with the behavior of the Aedes mosquitoes. who like to eat human blood more than animal blood like to eat during the day Likes to rest on hanging materials and breeding in a container with water

“A method to control Aedes mosquitoes that everyone can easily do. and must be done consistently Getting rid of mosquito larvae in a container with water in the house. such as pouring water so that there is no water in the container Changing the water in the container at least every 7 days or even raising fish to feed the larvae in the lotus basin. This will help to cut off the mosquito breeding cycle. And the most important thing is to protect yourself and your family from being bitten by mosquitoes.”

“Art Ruamjai, Repel Mosquitoes, Fight Dengue Fever” is one of the activities that Earth (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is determined, determined and never stops developing. in order to provide a better quality of life for Thai people without worrying and have confidence in using the product safely

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