Russia-Ukraine war: The Russian army hit the positions of strength of the Ukrainian army

by time news

The war in Europe: In the shadow of the continued Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Saudi “Al Hadath” channel reported today (Sunday) that the Russian army is increasing its attacks against the Ukrainian army and has so far succeeded in hitting significant and strategic power positions. According to the report, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it managed to destroy three American-made howitzer positions near Kharkiv.

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Also, the Russian news agency RIA reported that the Ukrainian army bombed areas in the city of Donetsk where Russian soldiers were staying. According to the report, the Ukrainian attack was also aimed at the city’s city hall, when in just 24 hours, about 300 missiles and shells were fired at the city, killing one and injuring six. In addition, the Ukrainian army declared a state of air alert in the center, south and east of the country, fearing airstrikes by the Russian army, including on the capital Kyiv.

Russian army in Ukraine (Photo: Reuters)

Earlier today, The Washington Post reported that in addition to suicide drones, Iran is expected to deliver surface-to-surface missiles to Russia for the fighting in Ukraine. The increased arms flows from Tehran may help Russia deal with the huge depletion of equipment and weapons since the invasion began in February, and a shortage of ammunition. Accurate guidance.

Officials at the Pentagon have confirmed that Russia has already used Iranian-made attack drones during its airstrikes in Ukraine, and that the Ukrainians were able to shoot down a significant portion of the drones. According to intelligence assessments from the last few days, Iran is planning the first delivery of two known Iranian short-range ballistic missiles capable of hitting with targets at distances of 300 and 700 kilometers.If carried out, this would be the first shipment of its kind to Russia since the beginning of the war.

The reports come in the shadow of Iran’s denials regarding the transfer of unmanned aerial vehicles to Russia, so the Iranian Foreign Minister spoke over the past weekend with his Portuguese counterpart following claims by Kyiv and American intelligence officials that his country is supplying kamikaze UAVs to Moscow for the war in Ukraine, and said that Iran does not “Supplies and will not supply” weapons for offensive use in the war taking place on Ukrainian soil.

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