Can things escape before they enter black holes?

by time news

Many scientists have raised the issue of black holes and the ratio of gravity surrounding those holes, which causes the rapid entry of space waste and other meteorites and stars into those holes. However, scientists have begun to study the nature of the area surrounding black holes and the extent to which objects can escape before they enter the black holes into the unknown world. .

Astronomical estimates say black holes emit exciting bursts of matter, which are usually thrown out when matter falls into the black hole and a small amount is expelled outward at great speeds.

And recently, astronomers discovered a completely mysterious phenomenon, in which a black hole ejects material years after tearing a star apart, according to Digitartlends.

The AT2019dsg black hole is located 665 million light-years away and was seen tearing apart the star in 2018, then for unknown reasons, it became very active again in 2021. Research Associate at the Harvard and Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).

The black hole throws material at a tremendous speed of half the speed of light. This happened years after the star was disturbed by the black hole, in what is called a tidal disturbance event (TDE), and there is no clear explanation for this delay.

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