Broken windows, a few scuffles at the Nupes march

by time news

Windows were smashed and some scuffles broke out this Sunday afternoon on the sidelines of the “march against high cost of living and climate inaction” organized by the left-wing alliance Nupes. Some tensions were felt during the course, with the presence in particular of individuals dressed in black and masked for some, but the demonstration took place without serious confrontation in the middle of the afternoon.

On the course, a group vandalized an agency of Société Générale. Some managed to break into the bank and pulled out several computers which they left on the sidewalk after tagging some of them. Several other attempts to damage commercial signs or banking establishments were “prevented” by the police, said a police source.

Along the route between Place de la Nation and Bastille, anti-capitalist slogans were tagged on bus shelters, facades and bank windows. Small groups targeted with projectiles from the security forces who responded with a few tear gas. At least two demonstrators were injured, one of whom was shot in the head.

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