cancer vaccine Biontech Co-Founder Reveals Possibilities in 8 Years

by time news

The couple behind one of the COVID-19 vaccines Most successful, mRNA technology could be used to destroy cancer cells

On October 17, 2022, The Guardian reported that Ugur Zahin and Dr Ozlem Toureci are the husband and wife behind one of the COVID-19 vaccines. The most successful people in dealing with the pandemic say a cancer vaccine may be available before the end of the decade.

Sahin and Touresi Co-founder of Biotech The German company, which has partnered with Pfizer to produce mRNA vaccines against the coronavirus, says they have discovered advances that raise hopes to produce a cancer vaccine in the coming years.

The couple gave an interview on the BBC. It describes the process by which mRNA technology, at the heart of the COVID vaccine, can be used for another purpose to prepare the immune system to attack cancer cells

when asked When will a cancer vaccine based on mRNA technology be available in patients, Sahin said it could be ready by 2030.

The mRNA vaccine for COVID works by delivering genetic information for the harmless spike protein. This allows cells to produce protein spikes that tell the immune system what to look for and what to attack.

The same method could be used to prepare the immune system to find and destroy cancer cells, said Touresi, head of Biotech’s medical team.

Biotech is working on an mRNA cancer vaccine before the coronavirus pandemic. This caused the company to adjust to produce a vaccine instead.

The company currently has several cancer vaccines in clinical trials. Turesi said the development and success of the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine will reflect back on the work on cancer vaccines.

The German company hopes to develop a treatment for colon cancer. skin cancer But the main obstacle is that cancer cells that make up tumors can combine with many different proteins, making it extremely difficult to create vaccines that target all cancer cells.

Touresi said Biotech has learned how to produce mRNA vaccines faster during the pandemic. and have a better understanding of how the human immune system responds to mRNA.

She is also confident that Intense development and rapid launch of the coronavirus vaccine It will also help drug regulators approve cancer vaccines for companies faster.

But Touresi remains cautious in his work. She said that as a scientist There is always a reluctance to say that there is a cure for cancer.

“We have made great progress. And we will continue to work on this matter.”

Sahin said The company’s innovations are original innovations, which took 20 years of research to develop therapies. And of course, companies will fight for intellectual property.

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