why it is absolutely necessary to consult

by time news
In essential tremor, beta-blockers (propranolol) and certain antiepileptics (first-line primidone) are prescribed with some success. 300996476 / Alessandro Grandini – stock.adobe.com

DECRYPTION – Solutions exist, and whatever the age, a tremor must always be explored.

It is not normal to tremble, neither at 20 nor at 95. “You must consult because there may be an underlying disease, possibly increased by emotions, but with therapeutic opportunities which it would be a shame not to benefit from.insists the Dr Solène Frismand-Kryloff, neurologist at the University Hospital of Nancy. And this, even if it is an intermittent tremor: since it occurs several times a day, we must understand where it comes from. Although a tremor does not jeopardize the vital prognosis, it can compromise the social prognosis: some patients cannot even eat. “Of all the tremors, essential tremor is the most common.details the Pr Marc Vérin, neurologist at the University Hospital of Rennes. It affects 300,000 to 600,000 French people against 200,000 for Parkinson’s disease (two thirds of them are shaking). Other causes are possible – head trauma, stroke, multiple sclerosis, vascular malformation, brain tumor, etc. -…

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