Photographer Boris Mikhaïlov freezes and colors a bygone Ukraine

by time news

Journal Ukraine is an exhibition “hard and beautiful”, asserts to the Guardian its curator, Laurie Hurwitz. Bringing together more than fifty years of photographs, this is one of the most important retrospectives of Ukrainian photographer Boris Mikhaïlov. It has been held since September 7 at the European House of Photography (MEP) and at the Bourse de commerce in Paris, where a journalist from the British title visited.

“It is almost certain, I think, that most, if not all, of the buildings and places visible in these photos no longer exist,” laments Laurie Hurwitz.

In blue, Ukraine liberated from the USSR

The exhibition was originally scheduled to take place in 2020, before the Covid-19 pandemic delayed it. It is finally two years later that these images of a past Ukraine are broadcast to the public, when the news of the war gives them a completely different hue.

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