At the Feyzin refinery, requisitioned employees disgusted that “the right to strike is being flouted”

by time news

At the Feyzin refinery (Rhône)

This Monday morning at 5 a.m., Djamel had no choice but to “load elsewhere”. Delivery driver for a Total service provider, he hoped to fill his tank at the Feyzin refinery depot. Only, the gates were closed and the supply impossible. Obliged therefore to head for Villefranche-sur-Saône, located 45 kilometers further, because the “customer could not wait”.

A few hours later, in the middle of the morning, the government announced the requisition of the Feyzin depot. So, when getting back behind the wheel and leaving the Lyon refinery for the second time that day, the delivery man confesses to being in a way “relieved”, even if he “understands the demands” made by the strikers. On the side of the unions, on the other hand, anger is in order.

“The requisition? We learned about it in the media”, denounces annoyed Pedro Afonso, CGT delegate for whom “the way of proceeding is not correct”. Seven employees of the shipping unit and the VEMU service, from which the stored petroleum products leave, were forced to come to work to supply the tanker trucks. With the obligation to take their post at 2 p.m. The “guys” received the same morning the visit of the gendarmes who came to deliver their notification of requisition by hand. What to enrage.

“Total disgust”

“It created a stir among the children who were crying, they did not understand why their dads were leaving with the gendarmes, plague Pedro Afonso. Thank you Total Energie for all that is done against the strikers and for all that they put in place to turn public opinion against us. »

“It’s total disgust”, loose David Martins-Filipe, operator and elected CGT. “Yes, there is bitterness because there has been no dialogue with management regarding our local demands. Bitterness also because “the right to strike is flouted”.

Far from being “dejected”, the employees say they are more determined than ever to continue their action. “It pissed us off a little more, and it pissed off a lot of people,” the operator said. Out of “solidarity”, the colleagues in the steam cracking unit immediately announced that they would go on strike for 96 hours. Those in the refining unit have also decided to join the movement. This could further block the situation.

A summary filed in court

On Monday, 37 trucks were supplied. Well there far from the 250 usually supplied daily. But much better than the statistics recorded in recent weeks. “This makes it possible to shoot but it will not be enough to supply all the stations in the region, especially if our colleagues mobilize in turn”, warns David Martins-Filipe.

Reassembled, the unions also announced that they were going to file an interim order before the court “within 48 hours”. “The International Labor Organization ruled that the requisitions were illegal because they interfered with the right to strike. Now we hope that justice will decide on our side, ”concludes Pedro Afonso, predicting a hardening for Tuesday, the day of the national strike.

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