Horoscope for today: This is how your stars are on October 17 | life & knowledge

by time news

Love, health, job: What’s in store for you today? What do you need to pay special attention to today? A look at your horoscope can answer these and other questions for you!

Whether Leo, Taurus, Aries, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, Pisces, Scorpio or Aquarius – for everyone Zodiac signs there are daily astrological tips and hints.

Read her daily update here Horoscope what October 17, 2022 has in store for you for free!

Zodiac sign Leo (23.07. to 23.08.)

For the Zodiac Leo Today is a good day for: finances, health and balance.

Tages-Trend: Optimistic.

Job/Money: You can decisively advance an important project.

Love: Be careful with statements that are too direct. The partner reacts sensitively.

Health: You are mentally strong, but physically a little lazy.

Tipp: You should think very carefully about higher financial expenditures.

Zodiac Taurus (21.04. to 20.05.)

For the Zodiac Taurus Today is a good day for: communication, balance and finances.

Tages-Trend: down to earth.

Job/Money: Pluto encourages your realistic side. You act pragmatically and know what you can afford.

Love: You and your partner have different opinions.

Health: Not very stress resistant. Again, restraint is better.

Tipp: Only do the most important things today and postpone everything else.

Zodiac sign Aries (21.03. to 20.04.)

Today is for that Zodiac sign Aries a good day for: finances, communication and balance.

Tages-Trend: The evening is the strongest time of the day.

Job/Money: When negotiating contracts, it is important to pay attention to the small print.

Love: Singles are not interested in a commitment. Couples have freedom ambitions.

Health: Not quite as fit as expected.

Tipp: Be more thorough.

Zodiac sign Virgo (24.08. to 23.09.)

For the Zodiac sign Virgo Today is a good day for: finances, communication and family.

Tages-Trend: Imaginative and creative.

Job/Money: You enjoy your tasks and your colleagues are loyal.

Love: Great mutual understanding. Singles can deepen a flirt.

Health: You have the most energy in the early morning.

Tipp: A good day for spontaneous leisure activities and to check in with friends again.

Zodiac Gemini (May 21 to June 21)

For the Zodiac Gemini Today is a good day for: love, health and exercise.

It’s progressing.

Job/Money: You can expand your network.

Love: Single people are more open to a new love. Relationships are very harmonious.

Health: There are hardly any better health stars. You have the chance to build new strength.

Tipp: Allow yourself to have deeper feelings.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius (23.11. to 21.12.)

For the Zodiac Sagittarius Today is a good day for: finances, movement and love.

Tages-Trend: aspiring.

Job/Money: Good sense for everything financial. Today there are successes, your commitment is worth it.

Love: Couples can expect a varied phase with new tingling. Singles are good.

Health: You are fit and resilient.

Tipp: You can do a little more today.

Zodiac sign Cancer (22.06. to 22.07.)

For the Zodiac Cancer Today is a good day for: family, love and health.

Tages-Trend: flexible.

Job/Money: Today you rely on innovation and new solutions at work.

Love: Couples harmonize perfectly and feel close. Singles make promising contacts.

Health: Wellness works cheaper.

Tipp: A good day for family and human concerns. Use the day to cultivate friendships.

Zodiac sign Capricorn (22.12. to 20.01.)

For the Zodiac sign Capricorn Today is a good day for: exercise, health and finances.

Tages-Trend: foresighted.

Job/Money: You can see exactly what is feasible, and the financial feasibility also looks good.

Love: You experience love as particularly stimulating.

Health: Uranus motivates course corrections. You give up what is harmful.

Tipp: Make meaningful innovations. Today it is also easier to part with the outdated.

Zodiac sign Libra (September 24th to October 23rd)

For the Zodiac sign Libra Today is a good day for: love, exercise and finances.

Tages-Trend: Generous and optimistic.

Job/Money: A lucky opportunity arises.

Love: Today it is easy to refresh the relationship. Singles flirt with a lot of sophistication.

Health: They want to give their all and have the power to do so.

Tipp: You can find bargains while shopping.

Zodiac sign Pisces (20.02. to 20.03.)

For the Zodiac Pisces Today is a good day for: finances, health and communication.

Tages-Trend: convincing.

Job/Money: Work that requires intellectual effort is easy for you today.

Love: You are attentive to your partner/flirt.

Health: You are internally in balance and take care of yourself consciously.

Tipp: Today is favorable for finding approval for innovations and implementing meaningful ideas.

Zodiac sign Scorpio (October 24th to November 22nd)

For the Zodiac Scorpio Today is a good day for: love, finances and balance.

Tages-Trend: Nervously very strong.

Job/Money: Trust in your own abilities, don’t rely on your colleagues.

Love: They know exactly what is necessary when it comes to erotic sophistication and successful seduction.

Health: good balance

Tipp: Use this day for important discussions and also to address difficult topics.

Zodiac sign Aquarius (01/21 to 02/19)

For the Zodiac sign Aquarius Today is a good day for: love, finances and movement.

Tages-Trend: Chancenreich.

Job/Money: Your commitment is great, but you are not very diplomatic.

Love: Your cheerfulness has an optimal effect on everything interpersonal.

Health: They have a lot of power and inner glow.

Tipp: Don’t wait any longer. Get started with your projects right away.

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