Murder of Lola: Gérald Darmanin deplores the “indecency” of certain political leaders

by time news

Of “indecency”. This is how the Minister of the Interior qualified this Tuesday morning the reactions of certain political leaders after the death of the young Lola, aged 12, killed Friday evening in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. “There is a lot of indecency on the part of people who turn this story into an electoral leaflet (…) when a little girl was obviously raped, tortured and killed”, lamented Gérald Darmanin, guest at the microphone of RTL.

Among the politicians who spoke on the subject, the leader of Debout la France Nicolas Dupont-Aignan denounced the “abject silence of Macron”, while the RN deputy of Pas-de-Calais Marine Le Pen wishes that this affair open “the debate” on “clandestine immigration to France”, because the main suspect, of Algerian nationality, was subject to an obligation to leave the territory since August 21.

The tenant of Place Beauvau then recalled that “the suspect who is now indicted is not known to the police, she is under 25 and has arrived regularly as a student” in France. “Things were done in conditions which are unfortunately I believe, unpredictable, especially since this woman was obviously herself known as a victim of domestic violence”, he added.

A case of “Francocide” according to the far right

In the ranks of the far right, several political figures have spoken out against what they consider to be a “francocide”, that is to say, according to the definition put forward by Éric Zemmour, “the death of a Frenchman because he is French”. The leader of the Reconquest party castigated a suspect “of Algerian nationality and in an irregular situation”, who “should never have crossed” Lola’s path.

Several activists who subscribe to this idea have also posted a profile photo representing a drawn portrait of the young teenager. “For a single moment, politicians must think about the consequences of their words on even the families who see the photos of their daughter circulating everywhere”, moreover replied Gérald Darmanin on RTL.

Remarks that have largely reacted beyond the Minister of the Interior. Deputy Nupes of Paris Sandrine Rousseau thus declared on Twitter by declaring that the “murderers and murderers” could not be “reduced to a skin color, a religion or a nationality”, before concluding: “Francocide does not exist”.

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