Why the strike at EDF power plants is likely to increase tensions on the electricity network this winter

by time news
Reactor 2 of the Cruas power plant in Ardèche is one of the units whose restart has been delayed. ERIC / stock.adobe.com

DECRYPTION – A “prolongation of the social movement” in nuclear power plants “would have serious consequences” on the supply of electricity in the “heart of winter”, warned on Tuesday the manager of the electricity transmission network in France RTE.

At a time when all French people have their eyes riveted on strikes in refineries and fuel shortages, another social movement is playing out, the consequences of which could be even more penalizing. Since September 29, employees of several EDF nuclear power plants have launched a strike to demand a rise in wages and improvements in working conditions. Originally limited to five sites, mobilization is beginning to spread. It is nine then eleven central which voted in turn to strike, according to the CGT, and the figure could still increase. While concerns are already high about the supply of electricity for the winter and the government continues to encourage the French to energy sobriety, RTE sounded the alarm on Tuesday. According to the operator of the electricity transmission network in France, “a”prolonging the social movement would have serious consequences“on the supply of electricity to the”heart of winter».

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