Against the flu, the vaccine remains very relevant

by time news
Currently, the flu is limited to a few sporadic cases in France, and it is impossible to predict how widespread the epidemic will be this winter. 278840012/Victor Moussa –

Experts fear more serious cases because of a drop in herd immunity.

Since Tuesday, people at risk of a serious form of influenza (over 65, pregnant women, people with severe obesity or with comorbidities such as diabetes, etc.) are invited, as every year, to get vaccinated with a doctor, nurse, pharmacist or midwife, upon presentation of a voucher to be sent to them by the Health Insurance.

Although the WHO recommends a vaccination coverage of 75% among vulnerable people, vaccination against influenza in France has been closer to 50% for ten years, a level “very insufficient” writes epidemiologist Sibylle Bernard-Stoecklin in the Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin of Public Health France published on Tuesday. In addition to this chronic disenchantment, we must now deal with the vaccine reminder campaign against Covid which is held in parallel, and which generally targets the same audiences (over 60 or with comorbidities). To maximize the chances that the people concerned will receive both protections…

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