107,000 demonstrators throughout France according to the Interior, 300,000 according to the CGT

by time news
During the previous day of interprofessional mobilization, the CGT had counted fewer participants (250,000) but the Interior more (118,500). VALENTINE CHAPUIS / AFP

In Paris, the procession would have gathered 70,000 people according to the CGT, 13,000 according to the police.

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets on Tuesday in France for the day of “mobilization and strikeinterprofessional for a rise in wages and against the requisitions of strikers in refineries. A total of 107,000 people demonstrated according to the Interior, “nearly 300,000according to the CGT, organizer of this day with FO, Solidaires, the FSU and the youth organizations Fidl, MNL, Unef and the High School Life. During the previous day of interprofessional mobilization, the CGT had counted fewer participants (250,000) but the Interior more (118,500).

In Paris, the procession – with more than 70,000 demonstrators according to the CGT, 13,000 according to the police – set off around 2:15 p.m. from Place d’Italie, behind a banner calling for wage increases and “respect for the right to strike”. Incidents occurred at the end of the afternoon, with a few windows smashed by thugs and clashes, in particular with projectiles, between demonstrators dressed in black and the police. “There were very few overflows», and in total “eleven arrests”, according to the prefect of police of Paris Laurent Nunez on BFMTV. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, reported on Twitter that “eight officers slightly injured”.

SEE ALSO – “Government fears national wage demands”, says Carl Meeus

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