Get to know CGM, a helper for diabetes patients to measure sugar levels in real time : PPTVHD36

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diabetes as we know each other well which is caused by high blood sugar levels for a long time causing the blood vessels and the body to deteriorate The body will change the food we eat into glucose. It is transported through blood vessels to bring energy and nutrients to cells. In which diabetics the body has a deficiency in converting glucose into energy. causing the blood sugar level to rise Most of which are caused by insulin deficiency. or insulin resistance which in Thai people are found to be caused by insulin resistance

Patients with diabetes should know why they need to measure their blood sugar levels.

Diabetes is something that mothers need to be careful about. Reduce the risk of pregnancy

Diabetes is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • The patient will urinate more often.
  • feeling unusually thirsty
  • weight loss

If the blood sugar level is very high for a long time. Often there are complications, such as kidney failure, which can cause swelling. or if there is a history of heart disease, often have chest pain There may also be numbness in the toes of the hands and feet. a chronic wound on the foot But the symptoms may not be so noticeable in the early stages of diabetes.

Caused by genetics or behavior?
From the statistics of diabetes patients increasing every year. Most often this is due to current behavior changes. especially about eating foods that are often rich in starch and sugar. Whether it’s main meals, desserts, drinks, brewed water, sweet water, bubble tea, as well as the nature of work that sits in front of the computer all day. causing lack of body movement All of these contribute to higher blood sugar levels and weight gain. which is a factor that makes diabetes more easily While genetics play a role in increasing the chances of developing diabetes as well.

Get to know CGM, a helper for diabetes patients to measure sugar levels in real time.

New technology to track blood sugar levels help promote healing

In the past, monitoring the patient’s glucose level A blood sample will be taken at the fingertip to measure the sugar level. that although the measurements are quite accurate But it caused the patient to be hurt.

while at present There is a new method called Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) or continuous monitoring of sugar levels By using a glucose meter in the intercellular fluid in the tissue attached to the abdomen. and insert a small sensor into the subcutaneous fat layer making it possible to track blood sugar levels every 3 minutes continuously for 24 hours. by displaying results through an application on a mobile phone You can also set reminders to know if your sugar is too high or too low. Make patients and relatives know the results in real time for dietary adjustments or emergency medication

CGM new technology Increase safety for diabetic patients
Really? that we will be able to know the blood sugar levels through smartphones Together we will find the answer. First of all, we need to get to know you with continuous glucose monitoring or CGM. CGM is a device used to measure blood sugar levels by using a sensor attached to the subcutaneous layer. This is a subcutaneous, which measures the sugar level and sends the reading to the receiver. It will show the sugar values ​​continuously up to 288 values ​​/ day ever.

Help reduce “obesity – diabetes” weight control pills and insulin.

CGM is divided into two types:

  • Real time continuous glucose monitoring system (RT-CGM) It is a tool that instantly displays the current sugar values ​​on the screen. Changes in sugar can be observed at any time. Make diabetes care safer.
  • Professional continuous glucose monitoring system It is a continuous glucose monitor. that will be attached for a period of 6 days, then will remove the machine to see the results of sugar retrospectively It is suitable information for healthcare professionals to adjust treatment more effectively.

The CGM machine is suitable for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but for the need to have this machine for use. may consider to be specific down to the details To help patients who need to measure sugar levels frequently

  • Individuals who do not yet have good control over their blood sugar levels.
  • according to doctor’s advice who want to control blood sugar levels strictly
  • Want to know your blood sugar level often or all the time?
  • It doesn’t hurt like a fingertip piercing.
  • Relatives need close supervision Prevent emergencies
Get to know CGM, a helper for diabetes patients to measure sugar levels in real time.

In addition, new drugs to treat diabetes are also being developed. which in addition to having the effect of reducing blood sugar levels Certain medications are also useful in treating diabetic patients with certain complications, such as cardiovascular disease, slowing renal impairment and reducing proteinuria in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Some newer drugs have also been shown to help with weight loss. which is suitable for diabetic patients who are overweight or overweight In patients at risk of low blood sugar, such as elderly patients or those with a history of frequent low blood sugar, some of the newer drugs did not increase the risk of hypoglycemia. Therefore, diabetic patients with this condition can consult with their caring physician. to adjust treatment or medication to be more appropriate

Doctors have also warned against buying oral medication without long-term follow-up or medical treatment. It often increases blood sugar levels and makes complications easier. Therefore, all sweet patients should be cared for by an internist who specializes in diabetes.

Health information from : Phyathai Hospital,healthline

Eating wrong. Life is addicted to “diabetes”. Suggest ways to stay away from chronic diseases.

If you are infected with Covid-19, there is another concern. Risk of getting sick with “diabetes” follows.

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