Sofinco’s fast loan service

by time news

In order to lighten up this investigation, in this post we will proceed to talk about Sofinco, financial institution of the Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance Group capable of providing you personal loans in a matter of minutes thanks to your Bankready technology.

What is Sofina?

The financial entity Sofinco makes up one of the most outstanding specialists in financing in all of Europe. Founded in France, Sofinco already has branches in Spain, which has allowed it to offer its wide range of products and services adapted to all types of user profiles. This financial entity has managed to forge a very close relationship with its clients, thanks to its work focused on finding consumer financing solutions that can be useful both for individuals and for distribution chains, dealers and eCommerceamong others.

Sofinco’s philosophy it is based, mainly, on its commitment to society and to its clients, by offering credits adapted to the needs that each one of them may have. At the same time, they seek to promote the responsible use of the loan service, as well as a greater commitment to the environment with which sustainable initiatives and projects focused on promoting the energy transition can be supported.

Apply for personal loans

One of the reasons why Sofinco manages to stand out from the rest of its competition lies in its ability to offer its users immediate loans. To do this, they use BankReady! technology, with which a agile and 100% digital service that allows users to know at the moment if the personal loan is theirs or not, without the need to go through paperwork or present supporting documents of any kind.

Thus, Sofinco provides its customers different types of loan:

  • Car Loan: When buying a second-hand or new car, Sofinco will provide you.
  • Travel Loan: With these Sofinco loans you can finance any trip you propose.
  • Health Loan: If you have medical expenses that you cannot afford, Sofinco can lend you a hand with its Health Loan
  • Reform Loan: Do you need to do some touch-ups in your house? Do you want to renovate the kitchen but do not have enough funds for it? Sofinco can help you with all kinds of home renovations, whether large or small
  • Study Loan: with Sofinco you will have the financial aid you need to finance any academic goal you set for yourself.

Don’t worry about unforeseen events with payment insurance

Of course, in addition to personal loans, Sofinco makes available to its customers payment insurance that will protect them against any unforeseen event that may reduce their economic capacity. Thanks to this insurance, clients will be able to leave double the outstanding balance of the loan in charge of the entity in the event of death or permanent disability. In the event that said incident is a temporary disability or unemployment, Sofinco may deal with up to a maximum of 24 loan installments.

Sofinco’s payment insurance will protect both you and the rest of the members of your closest circles against these unexpected situations. It will also help you meet the payment of the rest of basic expenses that you may have, as well as the rest of your purchases.

What are Sofinco’s online loans like?

Last but not least, we are going to tell you about Sofinco online loans. First of all, you should know that you will not need to go through annoying paperwork processes that can make this process more laborious. BankReady financing service! It will help you know at the moment if the requested loan has been approved or not.

To correctly identify the person who has applied for the loan, Sofinco requires its users to use the digital signatureas well as carry out a online identification process through a video identification system, with which your digital presence will be more than assured. It should be borne in mind that, thanks to this system, you will not need to travel to any particular place to carry out the loan safely, without the risk of your financial data being compromised.

When it comes to applying for these online loans, it is as simple as connecting directly to online banking, confirming your identity and waiting for your financial statement to be validated. Again, your personal data

will remain completely safe

thanks to the quality of the connection established with online banking.

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