M5s, partners fleeing from Casaleggio. The company value collapses to 100 thousand euros

by time news

Davide Casaleggio (source Lapresse)

M5s, partners fleeing from Casaleggio. The company value collapses to 100 thousand euros

The M5s continues its internal warfare. On the one hand there is Giuseppe Conte, the new leader called to rewrite the statute of the Movement making it become a party. On the other hand, there is the whole question linked to the Rousseau platform and to Davide Casaleggio, an integral part of the grillini group until recently. As we know, relations have worn out, so much so that Gianroberto’s son has excluded two big names from the initiative for the commemoration of his father: no invitation for Conte and Di Maio. To worsen the situation – we read in the Press – also comes the evaluation of the Casaleggio Associates company, increasingly in free fall. Today the value has dropped to just 100 thousand euros.

Casaleggio’s correction: with regard to the news that appeared in the press, Casaleggio Associati specifies that the Movimento 5 Stelle is not and has never been among the customers of the company. Furthermore, the purchase of the shares of the shareholder Marco Maiocchi took place in line with the entry price paid when Maiocchi entered as an employee to acquire shares in the company itself.

To give a price for the first time to the consultancy firm closely linked to the Cinquestelle Movement is the exit from the shareholder structure of Marco Maiocchi, one of the historical collaborators of the founder Gianroberto Casaleggio, at his side since 2006 and since 2015 partner of the srl which for years was in fact a sort of control room and at the same time the «back office» of the Movement. On April 1st, – continues the Press – Maiocchi, Davide Casaleggio and Maurizio Benzi – another shareholder and historic collaborator of Casaleggio – met at the notary to sanction Maiocchi’s exit from the company structure as well: its shares, nominal € 750 , were divided between Benzi (250) and Casaleggio (500). The price paid: 7500 euros in total, hence the value referred to above. In the background, the difficult relationship between Casaleggio and the former premier Giuseppe Conte and the tensions over the Rousseau Association for the unpaid contributions from the elected grillini for the management of the platform that manages the online grilline consultations.

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