Anxiety after cancer, and how to live with it

by time news

The Toon Hermans Huis Weert eo organizes a theme evening on Thursday 10 November under the title ‘Fear after cancer, and how to live with it’. Guest speaker is Coen Völker. He works as a health care psychologist at the Helen Dowling Institute and has written two books on anxiety after cancer.

Show Hermans House Weert

The evening will be held in Theater de Huiskamer, entrance St.-Raphaëlpad. Start is at 7:30 PM, doors open from 7:00 PM. Admission is free, but please register in advance via [email protected] or via 0495-541444.

Angst na kanker
Fear of cancer coming back is common in people who have had cancer. About 30 percent of patients who have been successfully treated curatively continue to suffer from the fear of the disease returning. Fear is normally a healthy response to imminent danger: it motivates to flee or be vigilant. Fear of return can therefore be constructive, keeping the patient alert for possible symptoms and motivating them to remain under medical supervision and possibly live a healthier life. Yet fear can also get in the way of your recovery. Sometimes worrying is hard to control. How do you learn to deal with that uncertainty for the future? How do you deal with fear of disease progression?

Coen Völker
Coen Völker has been working at the Helen Dowling Institute in Arnhem and Nijmegen since 2006 as a health care psychologist. He has written two books and many articles on Anxiety after Cancer. He also made a video series about this on his Youtube channel together with other care providers in psycho-oncology. He teaches at the RINOgroep about fear of cancer and is also a mindfulness trainer and supervisor at the Radboud center for Mindfulness.

During the theme evening, Coen Völker will interactively address questions such as:
“what are typical moments when anxiety arises?”
“How does it feel in your body when that fear is suddenly there again?”
“what do we know from scientific research?”
“what helps if you notice that the uncertainty is great again?”
“How do you ensure that fear does not get the better of you?”

Toon Hermans House Weert eo
The Toon Hermans Huis Weert eo is a walk-in center for everyone who is confronted with cancer and their loved ones. The house has been around for more than eleven years and is aimed at meeting, relaxing and pampering.

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