“Gotham Knights / Gotham Knights” main story complete walkthrough

by time news

Gotham Knights

After years of waiting, the new game “Gotham Knights / Gotham Knights” based on the DC comics masterpiece “Batman” is finally officially launched in October. This time, the protagonists have changed from one to four, and the four young heroes are the focus of the story for players to choose. This work contains a lot of puzzle content, so the following will provide readers with a complete guide to the game, so that everyone can easily complete it.


Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

The story begins with Batman and Russ. Oh. Gu fought fiercely and both died, and the Batcave collapsed because of the battle. Four young heroes who have inherited Batman’s legacy decide to take over the unfinished business and re-engage with Gotham’s criminals.

Four roles can be switched freely

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

The game has a total of four characters, Robin, Batgirl, Red Hood and Nightwing. Players can switch freely in the clock tower base camp, but once they set off to perform a mission, they cannot change. There are a few things that players need to pay attention to when it comes to the exchange of character content:

  • The levels of the four characters are interchangeable, that is, when one hero reaches level 30, the rest of the heroes will also be upgraded together.

  • The progress of the game’s main line and side quests is interconnected.

  • The plot of the game will be mainly presented with the characters in use, including the final ending content. Dialogue may vary from character to character.

  • Each hero has one piece of specific equipment obtained from the main story or side quests.

  • Each hero has its own skill tree. In addition, the ultimate skill “Cavalier Spirit” can only be used after completing the challenge, and each hero needs to do it once.

  • Each hero has their own special abilities, some of which must be unlocked by completing specific challenges, which each hero must do once.

  • The equipment map obtained by defeating the enemy will only correspond to the hero character used at that time.

  • Each hero has his own short story episode, and the content will be gradually opened with the progress of the main story. Pay attention to the “bat” symbol on the clock tower or the big map. Completing these short stories unlocks special outfit colorways.

“New Game +” after the level is cleared

The main story of this work takes about 15-20 hours to complete. After the game is cleared, players can continue to move around on the big map to complete various tasks, as well as knock down powerful enemies to obtain high-end equipment. In addition, if you return to the title screen, you can also select “New Game+” to play again. At this time, the hero level, acquired equipment and graphics will be inherited into the new game, while the progress of challenges and side missions will be reset.

In addition, the maximum level of “New Game +” will be raised to LV40 (the first game progress can only reach LV30 at the highest), players can obtain more skill points to choose more skills to deal with stronger enemies.

Chapter 1: Batman’s Last Case

1.1 Kirk.Longstone

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • After choosing one of the four heroes, start the level.

  • Follow the directions marked by white to perform actions such as wall climbing and jumping.

  • On the way, a plot happened, and it was discovered that the target character “Kirk Longstone” had been assassinated.

  • Use the hook to reach the target position from mid-air.

  • Enter the room in the house, press down the arrow key and use “AR” to investigate the claw marks on the floor and find the track.

  • Follow the trail to a large room and jump down from the window.

  • Turn on the “AR” to investigate the hidden trap under the floor next to the bloodstain.

  • Investigate the table in the room, perform “Teaching: Investigate the Crime Scene”: Investigate the microwave oven, then the Post-it note, then perform the “Puzzle”, the hidden door opens.

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Enter the hidden door to the laboratory and get the hard disk on the table.

  • Returning to the original way to leave the campus, the first battle occurs after reaching the outside.

  • Once inside another building, use Stealth to knock down all enemies from behind along the way.

  • Reach the burning room, jump up to the window, press the arrow below the arrow key to activate “AR”, make the aim in the center of the screen point to the enemy outside, and after a while, you can “mark” him.

  • After “marking” all three enemies, use the hook to jump to the stone statue in the center of the garden, then press the attack button to jump down and knock down the first enemy.

  • After knocking down the remaining two enemies, enter another building.

  • Jump down from the second floor to the lobby of the first floor, after defeating five enemies, fight with the leader-level enemy “Roadhog” in this level.

  • After completing the boss fight, go back to the street, press the arrow above the cross button on the sidewalk, and call the Batmobile.

  • Follow the GPS route back to Campanile Base Camp.

Level Boss Battle: Roadhog

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • We need to use a heavy attack (long press the attack button) to “break the defense”, so that he can’t use the shield to protect himself.

  • Be careful that when he gives a high five, he will launch a forward shield attack. At this time, he cannot use any attack to counter it, but can only dodge.

  • Repeat the above steps continuously, and execute “Break Defense” and “Dodge” to knock him down.

1.2 Longstone’s hard drive

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • After the plot, check the computer again, open the skill tree, and unlock “Perfect Dodge”.

  • When you’re done, investigate the gate and leave the clock tower for the “Night Patrol”.

  • Go to the various white triangles on the map and keep knocking down enemies to get criminal clues.

  • After knocking down a certain number of enemies, Ah Fu called to report that the goal was to go to the Gaoyi City Police Station.

  • Jump between the roofs to reach the police station’s back door entryway.

  • Avoid the eyes and ears of the four police officers in the parking lot by stealth, reach the back door, and enter the bureau.

  • Reach the gym and use the hook to access the tracheal tunnel above.

  • Reach the prisoner’s room, sneak from the left to avoid the police in the center, and jump up to the upper second floor with the claws; you can find a treasure box on the way, and you can get crafting materials inside.

  • Arriving at the lobby, there are a large number of monitors in the room. Turn on the “AR” and you can see the green light emitted by them, and they are gathered in a corner of the hall.

  • From the entrance of the hall, jump along the top floor on the left, detour to the circuit board at the green light gathering point, and turn off all monitors after investigation.

  • Go to the upper level and find the gate locked.

  • Returning to the hall, the police officers who were originally staying there will move slightly, and a special sign will appear in the center of the hall.

  • Return to the upper floor to unlock the door and enter the autopsy room.

  • After the plot, investigate Longstone’s body, first investigate the “Blood Glucose Meter”, then “Blood” and start the “Puzzle”.

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Trigger the alarm when leaving the autopsy room, and a large number of police arrive.

  • First mark the police with “AR” to determine their positions. From the right side of the second floor of the hall, walk along the roof to the exit, and finally jump down from the second floor to leave the hall.

  • After leaving the police station, take the locomotive back to the clock tower.

1.3 Weird Science

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Investigate the evidence board after the story, and click “Open Challenge” on the “Clue” on the right side of the investigation board.

  • Use a workbench to craft a melee weapon.

  • Complete an Interrogation Training.

  • Read the newspaper on the workbench.

  • Leave the clock tower and start “Night Patrol”, look for the white triangle on the map, and use “Interrogation” (press R2 when the opponent’s HP is less than half) to question gangsters and weirdos.

  • After completion, “Talia O. Gu” will appear on the map, go there and talk to her.

  • After the plot, return to the clock tower and the mission is completed.

1.4 Black Gate Blues

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Go to Black Gate Prison, follow the sign and enter through the sluice gate.

  • Go straight up the road to the inside of the prison, investigate the broken electronic panel and open the iron door.

  • Arriving at the guarded area, Batgirl can hack into the electronic panel to distract the guards’ attention, and other characters just need to wait for a while to find an opportunity to pass.

  • Enter the prison area, knock down the three prisoners in the passage, and then open the iron gate in front.

  • Reach the Balloon Hall and defeat all prisoners in the arena.

  • After finishing with Harley. Quinn talks.

  • After the plot, return to the passage and knock down three prisoners again.

  • When you reach the courtyard, go straight to the exit on the left, without fighting the guards (if you continue to search along the perimeter, you can find a treasure chest at the end).

  • Continue to move forward and fight with the leader of the level, the “Godmother”.

  • Continue to the basement when finished.

  • In the large room where guards and prisoners fight, two treasure chests can be found around; instead of fighting the enemy, find a safe position and use the hook to jump up into the passage.

  • Follow the trachea tunnel to another room, defeat Roadhog and other three prisoners, remember to use “Break Defense” to break Roadhog’s defense.

  • After reaching the archives, use “AR” to find the four special items in purple to gain extra experience.

  • After completion, use “AR” to find the orange card cabinet and get the card.

  • Use “AR” in the adjacent small room to find the orange archive to obtain the data.

  • Go back to Harley along the old route, without having to fight enemies on the way.

  • After the plot, follow the balloon to the square and defeat all the enemies in the arena, including prisoners and guards; I personally recommend that you focus on attacking the prisoners first and let the guards act as human shields.

  • Return to the clock tower after the victory.

  • After talking to Fu, and then investigating the book in front of the evidence board, the mission is completed.

Level Boss Battle: The Godmother

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • The plot allows the protagonists to learn a new “penetration” kinetic energy skill that can interrupt the enemy’s heavy attack (red attack).

  • The leader has a total of two heavy attacks, one is fast, and the other is a triple combo. It is recommended to use kinetic skills to interrupt the latter, otherwise you must press the button to dodge continuously.

  • Due to the high frequency of enemy attacks, it is recommended to use light attacks so that you can dodge immediately.

Chapter 2: Into the Abyss

2.1 Alias ​​Oswald.Copperport

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

* The STAR laboratory side quest is opened, and the Freezing Man side quest will be opened after completion.

* Harley. Quinn side quest is on.

  • Head to the Iceberg Club and sneak in from the roof once you arrive.

  • After defeating 8 guards in the hall, go to Oswald’s office.

  • After the plot, leave the club and return to the clock tower to talk to Ah Fu.

  • Listen to the recorded messages at the computer station.

  • Look for the yellow markers on the map to block two criminal activities: illegal trade and organ smuggling.

  • Visit two other people: Detective Montoya (open the contact challenge mission after completion) and Lucius. Fox (opens the fast-moving side quest).

  • Return to the Iceberg Club when you’re done.

  • Talk to Oswald after defeating the guard.

  • Use “AR” to find the bugs in the room, in the shape of orange dots, hidden in front of the bust, under the table lamp, and under the bottle of the plant behind Oswald.

  • Pick up the whisky bottle after finishing, trigger the plot, and leave the club.

2.2 Bowers Club

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Go to Triangle Island to find Alfred, and go to the Bowers Club after the plot.

  • After defeating two security guards, use “AR” to scan the garden, find the switch device hidden in the underground along the glowing blood trail, trace the wires to the second floor, and enter the other hall.

  • After knocking down all the guards in the arena, use “AR” to find the two switches, located in the bust and in the book beside the stairs.

  • After finishing, go back to the garden to investigate the light, and pull down the rear floor to show the stairs down.

  • Enter the underground line to the mural room and turn on the spotlight at the entrance.

  • Adjust the four copper plates by pressing the buttons respectively, so that the shadow on the wall becomes an owl facing to the right (refer to the picture).

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • After the success, the mural wall will automatically open, and the four guards will fight.

  • After the plot, knock down all the guards in the hall.

  • Investigate the masked man who was tied up in the room, a plot occurs, and he falls into the underground trap room.

  • Keep dashing forward to avoid traps, and if you get hit you need to start over, but you won’t lose anything, so feel free to try again.

  • After successfully escaping, get the key, leave the cave along the way, and return to the clock tower to complete the mission.

Chapter 3: Hiding in the Shadows

3.1 Key

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

* The Watchmen sideline contact quest is open.

* Jie Da. Dr. Tompkins Liaison Mission is open.

* The Owl Family History side event is open (find the owl sign in the city).

* After defeating the faceless criminals in the city (the orange sign on the map), the Clay Mask side quest opens.

  • Go to the Gotham City Gazette and look for the owl sign on the upper floors to enter.

  • Use “AR” to scan the file in front of the mailbox.

  • Investigate the table in front of the bookcase on the left.

  • Select “Ofasad Card” and “Bronze Nail” pieces, and then select “Puzzle” (the pattern is the same as the instruction letter on the far right).

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

3.2 Cheersi Tunnel

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Arrive at the construction site of the Cheersi Tunnel.

  • Use the hook to jump into the passage above the left wall of the tunnel, and keep going forward to enter the underground.

  • Keep moving forward to trigger the plot.

  • Knock down the new enemy “Claw”, remember to interrupt it with a ranged heavy attack.

  • Continue to move forward, encounter four sharp claws again, and knock them down.

  • A treasure chest can be found to the right of the wooden door later on.

  • Open the wooden door and jump up with the hook to reach the main floor.

  • Find Excavation Research in the Main Floor Room: Investigate the “Drill Sample”, and the “Ore Sample” in front of the two table-top Spectrometers.

  • Open the locked door to enter the extraction room and investigate the table.

  • After selecting “Composite Ore” and “Sulfuric Acid”, select “Puzzle”.

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Return to the upper floor to leave the extraction room, start the elevator, and fight with the four claws.

  • After the victory, jump to the opposite bank with the hook and keep going up.

  • After successfully getting rid of the claws, he turned around in front of the iron door that could not be opened, and walked up with the claws.

  • Reach the cul-de-sac full of water pipes and jump up with the hook at the entrance.

  • You can leave the pit after continuing forward.

  • Go to find Thalia. Oh. Ancient Conversations.

  • After returning to the clock tower, the mission is completed.

Chapter 4: The Masquerade

4.1 Mark.Hendrick

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Investigate the evidence board in the clock tower and open Mark. Hendrick’s challenge.

  • Arrive at Mark. Hendrick’s last haunt.

  • Go forward and find that Mark is attacked, knock down three waves of enemies and protect the iron gate from being destroyed.

  • After the victory with Mark. Hendrick talks.

  • After returning to the clock tower, the mission is completed.

4.2 The Orchard Hotel

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Before starting this level, please make sure you have fire or poison melee or long range weapons in your backpack.

  • Enter the Orchard Hotel from the roof.

  • Pay attention to the line of sight of the guards and the patrol route, and enter the back of the ballroom at the outer lane.

  • Continue to make a detour to the security room to hide and knock down the security inside and turn off the system.

  • Defeat all security guards in the back room.

  • Use the hook to jump to the upper passage of the back hall and enter the ballroom.

  • Eavesdropping on the dialogue in the field with the “ear” sign displayed, the correct targets are the woman in the wheelchair, the woman on the far right of the opposite terrace, and the owner in the red suit in the center of the field.

  • Return to the dance hall from the original path, enter the small room on the left after the plot, and avoid the main enemy group.

  • Sneak into the room on the right from the ground passage of the room. Be careful that there is a security guard patrolling in circles. If you have a chance, you can open the treasure chest in the room.

  • After leaving the room, go left and jump up the upper passage to the main room of the Voice of the Court.

  • Leave the main room and walk forward to find the stairs, go downstairs and find the owl green sign, and enter the secret room on the 13th floor after investigation.

  • Investigate and listen to the three phonographs in the room, then investigate the owl statue in front of the portrait.

  • Enter the back room, and after defeating the three enemies in the room, use “AR” to investigate the touch screen on the large map table, then start the playback video, and then insert the USB flash drive.

  • Defeat the two enemies that suddenly appeared and enter the other room.

  • The puzzle in the other room requires the protagonist to step on the metal plate in the correct order, and the prompt is the year of each building on the wall, starting with the oldest; tower building), 1842 (dwarf round tower building), and 1877 (twin tower building).

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Enter the secret room and get close to the portrait to trigger the plot.

  • Follow the directions to the ballroom and take down all enemies on the way, including the newly-appeared Alliance of Shadow Warriors.

  • After returning to the dance hall, enter the boss battle of this level, and the opponent is five ninjas who know stealth.

  • After the victory, return to the clock tower and the mission is completed.

This level boss battle: Shadow Warrior Alliance

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • The battle involved three rockets attacking from a distance and two close-range assassins.

  • Weapons with “DOT” elements must be used to prevent them from being invisible for a long time, including fire and poison.

  • If not, it will increase the difficulty of the battle, especially the close-up assassins will be invisible for a long time, and it is difficult to confirm the dodge time.

  • Note that their appearance attacks are mostly red heavy attacks, so they must dodge immediately.

Chapter 5: Court of Owls

5.1 Little bird

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Go to Thalia. Oh. Talk to her at Gu’s location.

  • Go to Detective Montoya’s location and talk to her.

  • Look for locations with orange signs near the police station in “Old Gotham City” and in the “West Side”, and knock down five corrupt police detectives.

  • Go to the murder scene and after taking down the enemy there, scan the owl mask next to the fire barrel.

  • Return to the clock tower and listen to the Penguin message on the table.

  • Go to the Iceberg Club.

5.2 Inside Gotham City

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Talk to the Penguin at the club.

  • After the story, walk forward and crouch down through the passage with holes in the wall.

  • In the rotating trap room, there is a gap between each trap just for the protagonist to pass through, so you can pass carefully.

  • In the House of Fireball Pillars, avoid the black ash marks on the ground to pass.

  • In the Owl Ball Room, first jump from the entrance to the pillar above, then jump down and knock down the enemies that appear.

  • After the victory, jump back to the previous pillar again. After the ball is activated, jump to the left of the ground and step on the blue round board, then run to the other side of the room, step on another blue round board, and finally jump to the top of the entrance. The iron pillar; the above actions must be completed before the ball is activated and turns red.

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • When you’re done, go forward and fight multiple claws.

  • After winning, move forward and enter the boss battle of this level: Gladiator Claws.

  • After the victory, move forward and enter the main room of the room; keep moving the platforms in the room until you find the platform with the enemy (court operator).

  • After knocking down the enemy on the platform, investigate the control panel in the center of the room and reassemble the platform.

  • Jump to the small platform on the other side, use “AR” to scan the distant fuel tank, and then use the long-range sniper at the gas valves on both sides of the fuel tank to make the fuel tank explode, and then jump there.

  • Jump into the underground cave, go forward, reach the laboratory, and go around behind the central scientist to launch “Interrogation”.

  • Open the door to enter the coffin room and knock down all enemies in the room.

  • Force two dormant consoles in the operating room, and enemies will appear each time one is completed.

  • After completing the operation of the last console, two gladiator claws appeared.

  • After the victory, escape the maze, return to the clock tower, and complete the mission.

Level Boss Battle: Gladiator Claws

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • The defense must be broken with a heavy attack.

  • The opponent’s heavy attack is a three-hit combo, so you must dodge three times in a row.

  • The enemy’s long-range attack is a fast poisonous bullet.

  • When the enemy’s HP is low, there is a very low chance to restore the HP by self-medication.

Chapter Six: Jacob.Kane

6.1 Trial in court

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Go and talk to Detective Montoya.

  • Go to the west area, find the white-marked gangster gathering points on the map, and perform “interrogation” on them (reduce their health to yellow or red, then grab and perform the interrogation).

  • Go to the Boiler District, look for the white-marked supervisor gathering points on the map, and perform “interrogation” on them.

  • Go to Robinson Park, find the white-marked geek gathering spots on the map, and perform “Interrogation” on them.

  • Regarding the above steps, if the interrogation is still unsuccessful after eliminating all the relevant enemies marked in white on the map, you must go back to the clock tower once to “refresh” the enemies on the big map.

  • After completing the interrogation of the three factions, head to Judge Moreno’s location.

  • Arrive to fight three waves of enemies.

  • After the victory, talk to the judge and return to the clock tower to complete the mission.

6.2 Voice of the Court

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Inside the clock tower, go directly to the special level after investigating the drone.

  • The Kane Building can’t reach the roof with a hook all at once, and must constantly circle in the middle to find a foothold.

  • Fight the guards after reaching the roof.

  • After the victory, investigate the central machine and enter the building.

  • After entering, use “AR” to investigate the white objects in the room and look for the “Laser Drill”.

  • After getting the drill, knock down the four guards that appear and get the pass.

  • Proceed from the entrance where the guards came in, at the leftmost locked door, climb the passage above and reach the security room, where the investigation machine overwrites the pass.

  • Go down the stairs through the locked door, reach the executive floor, and fight with ten security guards.

  • After the victory, turn off the security system from the room on the right, and go through the room on the left to the exit within 15 seconds. If you use Batgirl and learn “Digital Shadow”, you can ignore this time limit.

  • Enter Kane’s room and investigate the Sudoku puzzle on the wall. The solution is shown in the picture.

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Enter another room, investigate the globe, open the secret door, and use the laser drill on the secret door.

  • Defeat the guards that come, you need to restart the drill once on the way.

  • Take the elevator to the lower floor and defeat the guards there.

  • Go downstairs, knock down the guards and close the turret, then activate the chute.

  • Fight a wave of guards and two waves of claws as you descend.

  • After reaching the lowest level, fight the claws again.

  • Enter another room, knock down the guards, and open the door with the investigative instrument.

  • Enter the room full of fire and poison gas, you can find three treasure chests there. After passing through the fire or poison passage, you can get the treasure chest of “Medical Supplies” (open four treasure chests to gain extra experience).

  • Enter another hall to find Kane, after knocking down all the guards in the hall, scan the explosion-proof door.

  • Scan the moving platform in front of the door, find the control device along the light, and the enemy will appear after it is activated.

  • Jump on the investigation platform above the explosion-proof door, and then knock down the enemies that appear first.

  • Activate “Raise Laser (Left Button)”, then activate “Move Laser Left”, then activate “Laser Down”.

  • After completion, return to the mobile platform console and press “Start Laser”.

  • Continue to track Kane after passing the blast door, the mine can be broken first with precision shooting.

  • Reach the final room and enter the boss battle of this level.

  • Leave the building after the victory.

  • After the plot, try to catch up with Thalia, and there will be battles with several ninjas on the way.

  • After reaching the Wayne Building, the plot will take place, and you will fight with four ninjas. After the victory, the level will end.

Level Boss Battle: Hunting Claw

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • All attacks are red heavy attacks that must be interrupted with evasion or kinetic skills.

  • When approaching, it almost always uses a rising dragon-like upward attack, and after dodging, it can be pursued with a long-range attack.

  • Poison from a distance, try to dodge if you can.

Chapter 7: Shadow Warrior Alliance

7.1 Friends who need help

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Arrive at Doctor Tompkins’ location and eliminate the ninja attacking the doctor, being careful not to let them break through the car door.

  • Arrive at Lucius. Fox’s location, fighting with four waves of ninjas, be careful not to let them hack into the server, there are two of the latter, and they can be stopped with long-range attacks.

  • Arrive at Detective Montoya’s location and assist four cops against ninjas. There are only four enemies, and the difficulty is the easier of the three.

  • After completing all the rescue missions, return to the clock tower.

7.2 Thalia. Oh.antiquity

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • After the power outage, go right from the lab table, walk along the perimeter to the elevator shaft, and jump down to the highest security area.

  • Enter the front pavilion and start the backup generator.

  • Follow the old road back to the upper level to reach the garden to fight the Alliance ninjas.

  • After the victory, enter the building and return to the original laboratory; follow the directions to the central elevator and use the hook to go up.

  • Once you reach the top of the tower, turn off the CPU first.

  • There are four sets of audio equipment in this room. As long as the “amplifier” is adjusted many times, the audio can be changed from orange to green; pay attention to the fluorescent screen of the central processing unit. In addition to four grids representing the four sets of audio, there is also a scanning Light wave shadow, in one movement of light wave from left to right, all four squares must turn green in time, otherwise, it is futile to turn all four squares green at will. Therefore, it is recommended to turn the first three audio bars into green, and when the light wave to be scanned returns from the right to the left (representing the restart of scanning), turn the last bar into green, and you can successfully pass the level.

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

This level boss battle: man bat

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • More health, average attack power, and slow combo speed.

  • The heavy attack is three bursts, so you have to dodge three times, and the attack is poisonous.

  • When its health value is reduced to a certain level, it will fly for a long time and hover, and then return to the ground to attack directly.

  • Occasionally use a silent “sonic attack”, don’t get too close, just use a distance attack to deal with it.

Final Chapter: The Devil’s Head

8.1 Dangerous skies

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Check the location of the bat on the evidence board.

  • Go to the top floor of the Elliott Center in the Financial District and fight the bats.

  • Go to the top floor of Gotham City General Hospital in “West Side” and fight the bats.

  • Go to the top floor of Wayne Tech in “South Zone” and fight the bats.

  • The attacking moves of the human bats in the above three places are slightly changed from the previous level. The frequency of the silent “Sonic Attack” has become higher, and enemies will join in the middle of the battle.

  • After completing the above battle, the mission is complete.

8.2 The Pool of Lazarus

Gotham Knights

Gotham Knights

  • Go to the Gotham City Cemetery and enter the Catacombs.

  • Go all the way down until you reach a bottomless pit, use your precision ranged attack to knock down the iron pillars on the wall, create a platform, and then use your grappling claws to cross the bottomless pit.

  • Be careful that some lanterns on the road will explode. You can use “AR” to pre-scan, and the red ones will automatically explode once they are close to it. You can use the long-range attack to detonate it first.

  • Come to the place where the Tyrannosaurus Rex head, grab the iron pillar on the wall with the hook and cross the deep valley.

  • Step on to fight the hunting claws, watch out for the lanterns that explode in the tunnel.

  • After advancing, you will fight with ninjas and human bats on the road. After winning, jump to the upper floor and squeeze through the cave.

  • Keep going, watch out for the lanterns, and sometimes you need to knock down the iron pillars on the wall to make the platform.

  • Go straight to the temple.

  • There will be a boss battle with two enemies in the temple. Due to spoilers involved, the content of the boss battle will not be described for the time being.

  • After completing the battle, the story is over, and players can continue to carry out side missions in the world, eliminate sins in various places to obtain stronger equipment, etc.

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