We see 4:4: a new mandate survey discriminates against the left bloc

by time news

12 days to the elections, there is still no clear decision and it will probably be close until the last minute. In two polls published today, the results are completely different, with Netanyahu’s bloc passing the barrier of 61 mandates in one and only 60 mandates in the other. In both polls, the Jewish Home continues to not pass the percentage of blocking.

Channel 14 and Direct Falls survey: Netanyahu has a government

A survey published this evening by Channel 14 and the Direct Falls Institute shows that the right-wing bloc succeeds in forming a government even when Ayelet Shaked does not pass the percentage of obstruction. According to the survey, the right-wing bloc receives 62 mandates, with the Likud increasing the gap from Mish Atid to 34, religious Zionism falling slightly to 12 mandates, Shas with 8 and Torah Judaism with 7. What can keep the left-wing bloc from sleeping is that four parties are fighting according to The survey with the percentage of the block when Labor, Meretz, Ra’am and Hadash-Ta’al all stand on 4 mandates, Yisrael Beitun receives 6 mandates in the survey, the state camp 13 and Yesh Atid with 24 mandates.

News survey 13: Equality in blocs

In the News 13 poll, the Netanyahu bloc fails to form a government when both blocs receive 60 mandates. In this poll, Likud receives 32 seats, Yesh Atid narrows the gap and stands at 26 seats, religious Zionism with 13, the state camp with 11, Shab with 8, Torah Judaism 7, Israel Beitno, Meretz and Labor with 5 seats each and Ra’am and Had “S-Ta’al close the list with 4 mandates each. Even in this survey, the Jewish home of Ayelet Shaked does not pass the blocking percentage.

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